Not everyone wants to mad love and passionate feelings. On some emotions, as you know, can not build a strong family, so sometimes enough respect and understanding. In this case, no harm will think about whether the choice to protect future family, whether he is able to provide its material, whether he likes children, whether to remain faithful and appreciate comfort. Sometimes such a model relationship is stronger compared to the raging ocean passions.
The main thing - do not listen to advice. No one knows the correct answer, but it does not exist. Think not only the mind but also the heart. It only tells you whether or not to build a family with this person or should look for another candidate. Life will put everything in its place, so anticipate how the rest of the marriage, is almost impossible. Enjoy magical moments with friends and loved man, and boldly say, "I agree" if the inner voice says, "Yes, this is it." In the end, each of us, there are many incredible stories about crazy marriages, which continue to this day.