How to learn more push-ups

How to learn more push-ups
 Push-ups are the basic exercises that help to bring almost all the body muscles in tone. To increase the number of push-ups should follow some simple guidelines.
 To increase the number of push-ups need to maximize the use of the muscles that are responsible for performing this exercise, namely the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps. There are a number of exercises which performance on a par with the practice of push-ups will lead you to the desired result.

Follow the bench in a straight bench with dumbbells wiring is finalized. Go straight on the bench, and then hold the barbell at shoulder width. Remove it from the rack and lower on his chest, then squeeze with force. Perform five sets of eight repetitions in each set. After that, take in each hand dumbbells and lie on a straight bench. Keep hands with dumbbells over your chest, then spread them as widely as possible, and bring on themselves. Make four sets of six repetitions in each set.

After working on the muscles of the chest exercise is the best study of the triceps. To do this, follow the extension of the hand, with an emphasis on the bench, as well as the French press. For extension arms lean knee on the bench and take a dumbbell in your hand with an average weight. Remember that the back should be parallel with the floor and perpendicular to the supporting leg. Unbend arm with dumbbell to failure, then change hands. The French press is recommended to perform only at presence of fear. Go straight on the bench and put your hands in front of you, palms up. Pick up EZ bar, then bend your arms to touch knuckles forehead and straighten them. Perform four sets of eight repetitions of each exercise.

To work on the deltas follow through lifting dumbbell hand in front of him and over him. When lifting dumbbells to the sides and front of the legs must be slightly bent and slightly tilt your body forward, they themselves need to perform exercises jerky movements. When lifting dumbbells on an exercise must be carried out smoothly, with the control of the projectile on the entire range. Do three sets of ten repetitions of each exercise.

Besides the above exercises continue squeezing cotton practice and simple push twice a day, morning and evening just before complete failure. After a couple of weeks you will notice a significant progress.