Twenty-day diet

 Strictly prohibited diet include wine, beer, lemonade, eat sugar, candy, cookies, white bread, potatoes, pasta.  

1 - 2 hungry days.
For the whole day 1-2 liters of milk or yogurt, a glass of tomato juice, 2 slices of black bread.

3 - 4 days Protein.
8-9 hours: coffee with milk, half a teaspoon of butter with a slice of bread, half a teaspoon of honey.
12-13 hours: one cup of broth (meat or fish), 100 grams of cooked meat or fish, a piece of black bread.
16-17 hours: one glass of milk or tea with half a teaspoon of honey.
19 hours: 100 grams of cooked meat or 2 eggs and 50 grams of cheese and a cup of yogurt.

5 - 6 days Vegetable.
8 hours: 2 apples or 2 oranges.
12 hours: vegetable soup and salad without potatoes.
16-17 hours: 2 apples or 2 oranges.
19 hours: vegetable salad of cabbage, beets and carrots, 1 piece of black bread, 1 cup of tea with half a teaspoon of honey.

A diet of 20 days. Take 1 multivitamin.

Losing weight with a diet will be about 12-15 pounds. After the diet you can eat everything, but observing moderation. Be sure to eat cheese. A diet can be repeated a month later.

Tags: diet