The consequences of the new-fangled diets

The consequences of the new-fangled diets
 Remove a few extra inches in a day or two - for the sake of this, many girls go to the victims who called diets. However, the diet in its original features - this restriction in food, are needed to improve the vital processes of the body that benefit humans. Currently, the majority of diets did not have any beneficial qualities. On the contrary, the results of starvation, which exposes himself to the beautiful half of humanity, can be dire.

Most trendy diets focus on certain starvation. In some of these proteins are eliminated, in others - carbohydrates, in the third - fats and so on. Of course, if you start to eat less food, you will lose weight. But this should be done wisely. In fact, after limiting your diet a week or two you type your former weight much faster. And maybe even score more than what it was before.

The body is not so easy to deceive. He is able to stock up with food when he feels the danger. Not for nothing is the proper nutrition - several times a day in small portions. If you eat once a day, but many, the body will try to get the most out of this meal, and you will begin to recover. Also with diets. After sitting for a few days without food, at the next meal the body will absorb the maximum amount of necessary and unnecessary substances that will by no means a positive effect on your weight.

The most dangerous are the so-called "mono-diet." Their meaning is that you need to eat a certain time, for example, only rice or buckwheat only. Of course, lose weight in this mode power is not difficult. But the body will experience a tremendous lack of other useful items. Yes, you will lose weight, but it will take muscle mass, water, fat, and even calcium from the bones. Thus, the diet will lead you not only for thinness, which by the way is not healthy, but also gain "bouquet" of internal medicine.

"Do not eat after six" as equivalent to starvation, which does not lead to anything good. But the decrease in muscle mass and increase the percentage of adipose tissue. The result of many diets becomes a disease, which all have heard time and again - anorexia. In complex cases, the results for an bulimia. This is not the most pleasant thing that can happen in life.

Learn to love yourself as you are. And if you think you still need to work on the exterior - and keep in shape, keep an active lifestyle and start eating right, not causing the body discomfort.

Tags: diet consequence, harm, anorexia