By what criteria need to choose a diet

By what criteria need to choose a diet
 Variety of existing diets amazing. When finally decided to lose weight, opt for any one diet is some complexity. Few decided to consult a dietitian. Basically, it ends the advice of friends, who very well could lose weight thanks to the chosen diet. Before deciding to stick to a particular diet, it is necessary to understand its merits or demerits.

Should take into account several factors:
Monodiets adversely affect the human condition, since the content of the diet of only one product can not provide the body with all the essential vitamins and trace elements. As a result, weakened immune system, resulting in viral diseases will long be haunted. In addition, there will be chronic fatigue, hair will start to fade and fall, break nails, skin color change for the worse. The only plus - will go the extra pounds.

Low calorie slows metabolism. Total calories should not be less than a day 1000-1200. Otherwise, the constant lack of energy will simply "fell to the ground." Appears drowsiness, weakness, fatigue and indifference to everything going on. Lose weight, of course, turn out, but at what cost!

Carbohydrate-free diet actually promotes rapid weight loss, but due to the splitting of muscle mass. Thus the body is trying to get out of muscle protein missing glucose. After the muscle mass is depleted, no effort to lose weight will not help. Carbohydrates should be present in the diet in moderation.

The complete absence of fat leads to a constant feeling of hunger, which ultimately may result in disruption and food intake later in the day. If at the beginning of such a diet "go" the extra pounds, then later they are typed in a few days.

Do not forget that the drastic weight loss is stress to the human body and leads to exhaustion and hormonal crash. Fat deposits are the repository for estrogen in reducing the volume of fat female hormones are released into the blood. An overabundance of estrogen influences the development of hormone-dependent tumors. Therefore, more than 2-3 extra pounds of weight in a month to drop is not recommended. In addition, nutritionists recommend to consume high amounts of vitamins and diet combined with exercise.

Tags: Diet selection criterion