In the holiday together or apart?

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 How and where to rest - it's each individual couple. As well as the question of joint or separate holiday. It depends on many factors: the nature, habits, health, temperament spouses, the presence of children their age. In short, each option has both pros and cons.
 For some people, the idea that a husband and wife can stay apart from each other, it seems almost blasphemous, indicating that the feelings have cooled and family on the verge of collapse. In addition, immediately begin to haunt the scene holiday novels with all its consequences.

Others, however, argue that a separate vacation can be very useful to strengthen the family: it is known as that separation often is beneficial to love! And so all the time to communicate, it is necessary and a break from each other! Also, what if the spouses are completely different habits, preferences? His wife, for example, loves noisy companies, shopping, and her husband, Bring quiet fishing on a secluded lake in the woods! How to reconcile this? Will certainly be discontent and conflict.

Who is there right? Most likely, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Indeed, the problem of holiday novels old, as are the resorts. And can get carried away as husband and wife. And well, if it does not go down on an innocent flirtation. And if suddenly flared up feeling so grab that family would face a real disintegration?

On the other hand, true love is unthinkable without confidence. And a lot of whether there is a family that is strong only if the spouse in sight of one another?

Different tastes, habits can be difficult to combine. If one of the spouses is the concept of "complete rest" is inseparable from the word "music", "animations" "shopping", and the other is pre-drives in mortal anguish, leave can be irreparably damaged.

But if you want you can find a reasonable compromise! For example, the time to devote bustling entertainment and shopping, and some - quiet, relaxing holiday in the nature. To both sides were satisfied.

And their own offspring may well irritate and weary, it seems: the idea of ​​a joint holiday with them will come to mind only a masochist. To get anywhere without them relax.

However, it is your own children! And it is not, would you be then much more nervous, thinking everything is okay with them, whether cope grandparents, if anything had happened somewhere. Still, when the kids are in front of you, somehow calmer!

From all the above we can conclude that the best holiday to spend with your loved ones!

Tags: vacation