Patent Leather for the first time managed to get in the 20s of the XIX century, impacting its top layer and covered with lacquer linseed oil. Today used for these purposes polyurethane material, special plastic mass.
Varnish gives not only attractive leather goods, but also makes them more waterproof and durable, while maintaining the necessary properties of the material - flexibility and softness. This applies to footwear, and clothing and bags.
For the production of lacquered samples best kid - sort of soft goat leather chrome. In general, the thickness of patent leather are thin, medium and thick; in size - small, medium and large; color - black and colored.
Quality of raw materials is evaluated in appearance and bond strength of the varnish with the skin (they must be the same viscosity). The thickness of the lacquer layer normally corresponds to the indicator "no more than 0, 07 mm": while remaining resistant to flexing.