Take seriously any work that you will be charged. You should not be upset that it does not require high skills. In this case, you will have time to get better acquainted with the work of the unit, which you sent. Look closely to what your colleagues, try to offer them assistance and services, learn the methods and technologies to delve into the matter.
While you are working temporarily relevant to you will not be too serious - your status is such that many try to pass on to you some of their duties. If you are unable to keep up with the will to deal with their requests, then do not give up. Your task - to gain valuable experience, to establish itself and become useful to their colleagues, even taking on their work.
It is not necessary to demonstrate its ambition and character before you do not take the staff on an ongoing basis. Be calm and friendly with everyone, stay away from any kind of groups do not participate in office intrigues, do not listen to gossip.
Do not hesitate to ask questions about the work and take an interest in the essence of the production process. Persistently climb with them to active employees is not necessary, but when they are distracted, ask and ask about. More communicate with the person who is appointed to your supervisor - from him will depend largely on the decision about your enrollment.
And forget the word "can not" and "I do not know." Take up the instructions and start to implement it, and to clarify how to do it, you can always if not colleagues, then at any professional forum.
If you demonstrate their willingness to work, it will never go unnoticed, as well as your attitude to work "carelessly." So try to have a had a good impression, and then that it is not lost, as a reason to dismiss a negligent employee, even calculates the time, there is always.