How to choose a fur coat

How to choose a fur coat
 Buying fur - a fairly serious event that you want to prepare in advance. First of all, decide for what purpose is acquired coat. Light, elegant mink serve stylish decoration for any ladies, but it is unlikely to protect you during severe frosts. Solid mutton or fox fur will not give you warm even in the most severe winter day, but in a fur coat is not comfortable to walk to clubs and restaurants. Decoration or practical thing - answer this question, and we can move on.

Highly undesirable to buy a fur coat on the market or in a small local shop. The best option - to visit the largest fur salon. Also important style coats, because such an expensive thing have to decorate its possessor. The choice of style depends on personal preference, but it must be remembered that the low volume lady long coat is unlikely to decorate.

Only ten years ago the Russians shied away from colored coats. Today, there is no fear that the colored coat "flow" during wet weather. The latest technology allows reliable paint fur, pelt without affecting itself, and modern dyes do not react to the change of humidity and temperature. But one - coat should be painted with high quality. Rub dyed fur white handkerchief if tissues remains a trace of paint, give up the purchase.

In order to understand how the quality of fur in front of you, move your hand to coat, pull gently fluff - if the hand were some hairs, fur is not very good, this coat will quickly lose appearance. Squeeze the edge of the product in hand, a little hold and release - fur should immediately take initial shape, folds and dents should not be, the villi are straightened immediately. At the touch of a good fur elastic, does not creak, does not break. Warmest and most durable coat sewn from "winter" skins. Fur coats have a very thick and dense, get through the skin to the villi almost impossible.

Choosing a coat, take a look at the lining of the product to assess the quality of the skins. Membrane (inner side of the skin) should be easy to wrinkle, no crack, no break. It should be supple and flexible, color light beige or milky white. Yellowed or gray-membrane suggests that when sewing coats used the skins of old or sick animals.

Seams products should be smooth, flat, small stitches, there should be large voids around the thread (large openings around the thread talking about the poor quality of the skins, or error furrier).

During fitting vote weight of the product, coat should not put pressure on his shoulders too, but still, there must be a certain severity. Too light coat will likely sewn from "summer" or tapered during tanning skins.

Do not rush to execute the purchase, to twist a little longer before the mirror, sit down, raise your hands, roll - you should be as comfortable as possible in a fur coat, because the awkward thing, even the most stylish and expensive, is unlikely to bring joy owner.

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