Scary happens to everyone, but some very, very

 We are all afraid of something: to lose loved ones, work, health, goodness knows what else. Fear - is the feeling that helps us to survive and avoid life-threatening situations. But what to do when fear becomes obsessive, has a dominant place in human life, becoming a phobia?

Suffering from phobias people are no longer able to fully exist in society, they are lost, can not realize themselves, and understanding of the insolvency of their experiences and their own inability to cope with them leads them to severe depression.

A lot of phobias, including exotic. People are afraid of the number 13 (triskaydekafobiya), afraid of everything new (neophobia), look doll (glenofobiya), small items (mikrofobiya), God's intervention in destiny (teofobiya), infinity (apeyrofobiya) and even the occurrence of phobias (Phobophobia).

 "A man reacts to fear in two ways - says a leading researcher Nina Shashkova MRI psychiatry. - Someone predominant excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, that is, to mobilize all forces for resistance danger: heart palpitations, high blood pressure, redness of the skin, etc. And someone is dominated by the excitation of the parasympathetic nervous system - slow heartbeat, pale skin, cold sweat, nausea.

Phobias are often classified according to the experience, which is the basis of fear. One of the most common groups of phobias - fear this space. Here and well-known claustrophobia - fear of enclosed space - when a person can not stay in the room with the door closed, in the elevator, he rushes, breaking locks, etc. It also includes and fear of flying in an airplane, the fear of depth, open spaces, heights.

Not less common social phobia - Fear of inappropriate behavior in society, blame the people around them. Many panic when they are offered to speak from the podium before an audience.

If in real life, they quietly talking, here two words can not even written. Another group of phobias associated with fears for his life and health. People are afraid to shiver get AIDS, cancer, syphilis, suddenly die, etc.

Strictly speaking,phobia - it is not a disease but a syndrome. It can develop independently after a fright or some turmoil and be a manifestation of mental illness (depression, manic-depressive illness). Determine what exactly is the cause of fear - the task of the psychiatrist.

Phobias often persecuted people by nature highly sensitive, anxious, timid, vulnerable. To deal with their fears, they often use a specially devised "ritual" of action: the coin under the heel, spitting over his shoulder, wearing certain items of clothing. We call it superstition, omens, incantations. But it happens that rituals are so complex and multi-layered that turn into absurdity.

It happens that a person because of an obsessive fear begins to limit yourself to loads, movements, stop using the transport (who knows what). Then ceases to appear at work and begins the endless trips to the doctors. This phobic neurosis, which need to go to a therapist or psychiatrist.

How to understand that the mere fear turned into a phobia? If you're worried that you forgot to close the door, or turn off the iron - this is normal. You just have not fixed a time when committing these habitual actions. But if you go back three times in the half of the road to check it out, late for work for two hours - it's pathology.

If you are afraid to fly a plane, but when you need to, you grudgingly do it, it's all right. If you do refuse to fly or travel by other modes of transport, it is a disease. Fear becomes a disease when a person is unable to overcome, even in extreme situations.

Of course, the answer to the question whether it is possible to cure a phobia, can only psychiatrist to professionals, but most phobias is quite treatable. Some forms can be treated better, others - worse, but the human condition has been improving steadily.

Different methods of psychotherapy. There is a method desensibiizatsii - gradual habituation to the human situation in which there is fear. For example, with the fear of travel in the metro, the patient begins by simply enters the station lobby, standing there, knowing that with Nimmo nothing terrible happens.

Then he goes down to the station and get used to the noise of trains, escalators to work. Then passes one stop on the train and so on. Therapists using this method for modeling an imaginary situation in which there is a phobia - a state of hypnosis or by autogenous training.

But it happens that overcome fear is possible only with the help of psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers. Treatment regimens to help improve the patient's condition by changing the reactivity of its nervous system.

Of course, phobia and can not be treated, but then one must be prepared not only to change his life, loss of job, family, seclusion, but also to new diseases. The fact that neurotics tend to suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and other internal organs.

Julia Ratina