Myths about the most calorie foods

Myths about the most calorie foods
 The use of high-calorie foods leads to many diseases and undesirable consequences. Some time ago, products such as cheese, eggs, chocolate, meat and other nutritionists were banned because of their content of huge amounts of fat, calories and cholesterol. But, after a while, these products plus discover more than minuses.  

Cheese is a nutritious product, but it contains large amounts of calcium and linoleic acid reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

The composition of chocolate includes antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In addition, chocolate serotonin contributes responsible for mood.

Milk is a rich source of calcium, but many women do not use it because of the fear to get better. Meanwhile, the milk reduces the risk of osteoporosis, lowers blood pressure and helps to fight obesity.

Many people mistaken belief that the use of eggs because of the large amount of cholesterol therein can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists have long been disproved this myth. Eggs contain minimal amounts of fat. Furthermore, their structure includes lutein responsible for persistence of vision.

Meat is an excellent source of protein, zinc, iron and vitamin B12.

They are high in calories and rich in monounsaturated fats that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eating nuts, you can quickly get enough, and therefore lose weight. The composition of nuts include magnesium, helps to relieve swelling, relieve frequent mood swings and migraines.

All these foods contain a lot of calories, but this is a big plus: sated small portion for a long time, you can forget about the food, and thus lose weight.

Tags: product, the use of myth