Fitness in the summer: from the gym to the nature!

 In summer you can without much regret to miss classes in a stuffy gym and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine for the benefit of the figure. Outdoor fitness is relevant at this time of year than ever! On the pages of women's magazine JustLady story about what exercises are suitable for fitness programs open air.

Very pleased with the fact that the tracksuit is not required: just choose clothes made of natural fabrics, loose, does not restrict movement.

And another plus: for outdoor activities with them to take anything not necessary. No bags, sports equipment - complete freedom of action! Base for activities can be parks, forest, field, river ...

Training program, you can diversify, varied and complementary as you like, making each session in celebration of the body and the soul.

The beginning of everything - walking

By the chosen site activities, of course, better get his way. Tread cheerfully, dynamically, from time to time accelerating step or transition to jogging. On the go, you can not only enjoy the beauty of nature, but also to do some useful exercises. For example, breathing.

Use case: belly breathe rhythmically tensing and relaxing the muscles - a kind of training for the media, useful for the figure.

Perform exercises for the eyes - Blinking, eye movement in different directions. If no one sees you, go part of the way on the heels, toes or backwards - it trains the coordination. Going on foot alone, you can meditate, no one is embarrassed.

Going out into the clearing with thick grass, take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the silky grass mats, admiring the flowers and butterflies. What is not psychotherapy ?! Polyana - the perfect place to recharge.

Relax after a walk and start to exercise. This can be Mahi hands and feet, tilt and rotation of the trunk, sit-ups, yoga asanas ...

Part of the exercise is carried out, picking up a thick stick, heavy stone or other natural weighting. With the help of a stick, by the way, you can perform exercises to develop the muscles of the back, bending forward and twisting the torso.

Met in the way of a big log (suitable and bench in the park) - a great trainer for strengthening the leg muscles. Sitting on him, raise and lower legs, do exercise "scissors". Several times a log walk barefoot training vestibular apparatus and biotochki massaging the feet.

Wide beam without knots, steadily lying on the ground, can replace the step-board. Take a few exercises from step aerobics, using different ways to climb on the log and toe with him.

Move rhythmically, training the abdominal muscles, buttocks and legs. Connect the hand movements: at each step lift your hands up, pulling them forward, do undulations. Pick up a stone by stone - a great burden on the shoulder girdle.

After a workout, relax, sit with your back against a tree trunk, saturating it with healing energy.

Strength Training on the bench

For rotator cuff

Strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, thighs, calves, and the press can be in the park with an ordinary bench.

Home position

Take the emphasis lying on his outstretched hands, palms lean on the ground, placing them on the shoulder-width apart and directly below the shoulders and feet are also spaced shoulder-width apart on the bench.


Tighten your abdominal muscles, bend your elbows, spreading them apart, and lower your upper body to the ground without rounding and arching his back - the whole body from head to toe should be a straight line. Hold the bottom position for a second, straighten your arms and return to starting position.

For arm muscles, thighs and press

Home position

Sit on the edge of the bench, hold her hands on either side of the torso, palms are just below the shoulders.

Slowly lower the edge of the basin bench, while making small steps forward up until the knees will not exactly over the ankles, while not push your buttocks from the bench. Pull your right foot forward and place your heel on the ground.


Bending your elbows and shoulders back averting, lower buttocks closer to the ground, while straining muscles and causing his right knee to your chest. Keep hands were not bent at an angle less than 90 degrees.

Hold for a second and straighten your arms while straightening your right leg without touching the foot of land. Repeat the motion 4-6 times without dropping a leg on the ground, after doing the exercise for the other leg. Rest 30 seconds and perform another approach.

For the legs, buttocks and press

Park trees - great trainers, help strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks and press.

Home position

Lie on your back legs to a tree, bending the right knee, the foot on the ground, straighten your left leg and place your foot into a tree, arms stretched along the body, palms up deployed.


Squeeze your buttocks and lift your pelvis up so that the body from the shoulders to the left foot is a straight line, then return to starting position. Perform one approach for one, then the other leg, rest 30 seconds and repeat.

Water aerobics - nice and helpful

Temperature surpasses 30 degrees, jogging and other exercises can not be performed because of the heat. But near - reservoir. So, you can do water aerobics.

Exercises in the water - a joy for the body, they allow you to train different muscle groups. In addition, these exercises are very effective in the fight against obesity, and all this - without exhausting effort and "sweat".

Firstly, any exercise in the water column is given easy even for those who sport in trouble. Secondly, in the wonderful water relaxes the muscles, and fatigue is not felt.

 "Water Features" give special body flexibility and harmony of forms: as we move in the water, trying to keep his balance, working all muscle groups.


Do not rush into the water 'with piping hot " - It is very bad for the heart. First a little soak up the sun, and then 10 minutes Stay in the shade.

Do not swim to the "goose skin": out of the water when the body still felt a pleasant warmth. So, we carry figures.

 "Running on the water"

Stand erect, hands apart. Stomach tighten. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee to hip level. Lower the leg completely straight.

Perform the exercise on the other foot. Repeat 20 times. This exercise is designed to train the muscles of the front of the thigh.


The initial position is the same. Bend your right leg and try to touch heel buttocks. Lower the leg. Do the same for the left foot. Do exercise, alternating legs 20 times.


Stand erect, hands apart. Bend the left leg at the knee. Make swing back leg bent. Repeat the exercise 20 times, then switch legs. With this exercise trains the muscles of the buttocks, lower back strengthening.


Just dive into the water without touching the bottom of the feet. Hands apart. Torso leaning forward, follow the movement like climb stairs, for 5 minutes. Climbing underwater "ladder" to help improve metabolism and strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Coming out of the water, move on land. Jogging along the river or sea shore - a sure way to show off shapely legs after a holiday.

... In the summer outdoors can bring so much good her figure and health! Therefore, going on nature, do not forget to bring a ball, jump rope, and additional on-site use natural simulators. Be beautiful and healthy!

Inna Yining

Tags: nature, summer, gym