Snowboarding average flexibility (Midflex / MidflexCarbon) thicker layer of wood and is also seen narrowing to the center. Beginners can trust her at high speeds and open corners. If such a snowboard add a layer of triaxial carbon fiber, it will be suitable for freestyle. Absolutely perfect model of flexibility have Fulflex / FulflexCarbon. Even at high efforts board mobile, obedient slightest movement of the legs. In this model, combined the merits of flexible and rigid boards.
Snowboard stiffness is defined quite simply as an example of the two boards under the hard and soft mounting. Alternately, take a snowboard, Abut one end of the floor at an angle of 450 and a free hand abruptly click in the "waist" to the trough.
Hard snowboard you will have more resistance. To select a snowboard with optimum width for you, put your foot on the board and make sure it does not go beyond the board more than an inch - and a half.
Narrow boards easier "shifted" from edge to edge, and they are more appropriate for the style racing, carving and halfpipe. Broader model snowboard better suited for complex touchdowns and used mainly in the style of the halfpipe. But in any case, must comply with a wide snowboard foot large.