Life and relationships: how to maintain a balance

Life and relationships: how to maintain a balance
 How often can I hear the words "Our love boat has crashed against life." This phrase people are trying to say that they are for some time loved each other, but the housework "killed" all the romance in a relationship. But there are ways to avoid this, how can the life and relationships?

Young were married, ended the journey in the first honeymoon. Magic has passed, it is time to return to normal life. From this moment begins a new tale. And what it will be, depends only on the newly married couple.

Husband and wife back to work, trying to make up for what missed during holidays. Both returned home tired and often angry when something does not work in the service. And then there are problems in the home - who, after all, is to wash the dishes?

Each spouse is trying to defend their right to rest and do not want to give your partner. Although they can understand.

Husband works all day, trying to provide for his family. Because now he has been living for more than one, it has a lovely woman, and perhaps expected and addition. Accordingly, the funds needed to order more.

And why, instead of relax, watch your favorite movie, play games or just look through the newspaper, he must wash the dishes. And in general housekeeping - this honorable duty of women. Let it also is engaged.

Wife also works full-time, but also time to do some shopping and cook a delicious dinner beloved spouse. Why he did not reciprocate, even wash the dishes. After trying a girl not only for themselves - for their family.

Of course, the stumbling block can become and washing floors, and a trip to the store - it's not so important. Spouses should find common ground in all matters of life. And only then their marriage will be a reliable and strong.

The obvious solution - buy a dishwasher. And even better - to hire a maid, which she dishes in the machine and expand. But whether it is the right way out, because in this way the husband and wife "run" of the problem, not solving it at the same time.

To life is not "broke" attitude, you must desire of each of the spouses. It is important to be attentive to each other, try to understand your partner. All tired and always. But in your power to allow your loved one to rest. For example, you can create a special schedule - even days dishes washed husband on odd - his wife.

Just think what you get after small the effort, which, by the way, we need you and your partner. Happy smile, a word of thanks, a delicious dinner and a small bonus night. Is that enough?

Need to appreciate your loved one to feel sorry for him and help in every way. After all, for that you have decided to start a family. Remember this, then no life will not destroy your happiness.

Tags: tableware, attitude, problem, life, life