Little secrets of successful marriage

Little secrets of successful marriage
 Meet his only be happy in a marriage - perhaps this dream of every girl. Yes, and married women, faced with problems in the family, we would like to make it as small as possible to avoid all these horrible scandals and conflicts, tantrums and explanation of the relationship.
 Whatever the great Leo Tolstoy said about equally happy families, though, probably, each of them have their own personal secrets and sekretiki upon which a successful marriage. And the first thing - should still come down to earth. It is natural that every girl who marries expects that it will elect a prince on a white horse. But, you see, so that your husband was a prince, must itself be a princess: so happened in this world. And in order to faithful was the perfect man, you have to be a perfect woman. Are you sure you can? Well, then go ahead, go for it. And look.

But what about those who are still far from ideal? Here you have the first secret is very simple - do not try to "sculpt" your husband. It is much easier to take it for what it is, with all its little flaws. Yes, better pay attention to the good things that my husband has done for you: help you to clean the fish, go to the store, gave flowers. And the fact that he does not remove the cup from the table, or likes to fall asleep in front of TV - believe me, not the worst. After all, you probably adore to read while eating, can not stand to sew socks or not always their bed? However, there are situations where many of the shortcomings is simply impossible not to notice. What - then just talk about everything calmly explain what you absolutely do not want to see your family, do not forget to specify here, as it relates to this. Suggest to him and do the same: to say, if something is not pleasant. This is another sekretik successful marriage - be a diplomat, seeks to prevent conflict, simply by removing its cause in advance.

In principle, there are quarrels and disputes in every family - without it there is no marriage. However, you can select the correct position, which will not outgrow this quarrel in the real war. First, become more tolerant, learn to listen to his point of view. Secondly, try to reach an agreement by any means. Well, and thirdly - treat this philosophically: there are so many in the world really serious problems, and you are quarreling over trifles. Do not try to inflate the conflict, do not be angry for nothing, after all, you love each other - remember this always. And it also helps you to make a good marriage - often recalls his love: small trinkets, presented just like that, said at the time "love" kiss goodbye to your partner will only be happier.

And one more little thing: create your own family traditions. Let it be inherent only to you - a ritual: you may be somehow in his own way will give gifts at Christmas and birthdays, and may enter in your family celebration, for example, a day of exploring, or the first kiss. This will be your, personal, and that is why you will do even closer and dearer.

Some pick a husband "Zodiac signs", others count the lucky number for weddings, others believe that "marriages are made in heaven," and some are destined to be your marriage, so it will be. It was only truly happy couples are sure that their marriage - is not just love, harmony and understanding, it is also hard work.

Tags: relationship, marriage, secret flaw, small