Much better to learn how to overcome yourself and look for ways to establish a truce to settle the conflict. Let it be only a temporary measure. Bad peace is far less dangerous to the relationship than a good quarrel. He has shown a willingness to make concessions, and there is a chance that with time the conflict simply forgotten, and relations are restored. Moreover, in such a situation, tend to spend much less nerve, and people do not bring themselves to mental exhaustion and do not make rash acts, trying in any way to quickly resolve the protracted conflict.
Quarrels often arise due to the fact that people do not only hold different views, but also confident in their own right and do not even want to hear their opinion. Minor conflicts arise again and again, piling up resentment, like a snowball. As a result, the already familiar good quarrel over trifles lead to a final rupture of relations, as to find a favorable way out of the situation is too hard. It is better to learn to treat with indulgence to the shortcomings of others, not forgetting their own, as well as search for the best way, without tightening the conflict.