Learn how to properly wash jeans

Learn how to properly wash jeans
 Jeans - the clothes are very comfortable and suitable for many situations. Yet, despite the simplicity of the things you need to wash these pants especially carefully to their views remained pristine. There are a few rules to help cope with this simple task.

Washing machine - this extraordinary convenience, but jeans is better to wash by hand. In fact, after washing the car jeans can not only significantly "sit", but to stay with a twisted belt. If by stiralki you do not give up, then, at least, set of delicate.

If your jeans have never been subjected to washing, it is best to do so without powder. After all powders of modern manufacturers can affect the fabric as bleach and spoil it. It is best to pick up special funds that blur colored items.

Too heavily soiled jeans can be one hour soak in soapy water. But the temperature should not exceed forty degrees. After soaking wash jeans, turned inside out.

Do not forget before washing and fasten buttons and zipper. Pants so much better retain their shape. Note that in the first wash jeans will shed much, while spoiling other things paint.

Therefore, for the first time be sure to wash your jeans separately and take a look, oblazit whether the paint from the product. If your favorite pants have also leather

stripes, these inserts should always treat glycerol. This will help keep your skin in the process of chipping and warping. But jeans, finished with different materials, need only to wash his hands.

Already clean jeans hang out into the fresh air - so the material dries best. Before drying jeans need to be turned inside out and have a good smooth hands.

Most fans of denim garments prefer not iron denim pants. However, if you still need ironing, it is best to do this otparivaya odezhku in the wet form. Note that you can only wear jeans permanently dry, otherwise they may lose their shape.

Tags: Jeans