Skirt-pack: how to wear it

Skirt-pack: how to wear it
 Tutu skirt is fluffy, airy and feminine thing, with which you can create stylish and unusual ensemble. Because of its splendor this skirt can make women's waist thinner and sleeker.
 Remember to pack skirt looked harmonious and did not violate the proportions of the body, it is necessary to supplement narrow things. The ideal option would be the maximum figure tight T-shirts, tops and turtlenecks. Luxurious and feminine skirt tutu will be combined with a corset. This ensemble - the perfect solution for publication or for any other special event.

In the spring or autumn season combine a pack skirt with a narrow leather jacket, black leather jackets better. For example, if the jacket is dark in color, and the skirt opposite - bright and juicy shade. Fashionable and stylish will look tutu skirt with leggings knee-length.

Depending on the color of the skirt, you can create one or another way, namely, if you choose white or pink tutu and supplement it topom pastel colors, you'll look romantic and remind ballerina. If you give preference to a pack of bright color or black and complementing the leather jacket - black leather jackets, you effortlessly create creative image in the style of "glam rock".

The best accessory to pack is a classic belt worn at the waist. As bags best option would be a small model of geometric shapes and clutches. It is not recommended to wear a skirt volumetric decoration on the neck, and if you want something like that, stop for a large bracelets.

As for shoes, the feminine and romantic tutu-skirt will look elegant high-heeled shoes, this combination will give your image of grace and elegance. Rough shoes with laces combined with a skirt will create the image of creative and stylish girl. If we talk about boots, better to prefer well-fitting leg model with high heels and knee-length. Ankle boots are also a nice addition to the skirt-pack.

Tags: skirt, skirt