What to wear in rainy weather

What to wear in rainy weather
 Choose trendy clothes for rainy weather to modern man is quite capable. Thus it is necessary to take into account the air temperature and wind speed, and, of course, the latest fashion trends, then the mood will be sunny.
 Autumn - time for fashion experiments. When falling leaves and gray intrudes into your life, and wants to dilute the dull gray palette bright spots in the form of colored umbrellas and rubber boots.

To autumn depression has not touched you, please consider purchasing bright waterproof raincoat or jacket that autumn perfectly complement your wardrobe. Do not forget to buy colored gloves that will look harmoniously combined with scarves, hats or umbrellas.

We should talk about rubber boots. Is not the first season, they are at the peak of fashion. Modern rubber footwear offers the convenience, practicality and beauty. Leaders of the season, according to the designers, will rubber boots with heels, they can be wide at the top with a rubber band or on bootleg. Lovers of free style should give preference to a more sporty-looking boots. Still relevant rubber shoes red and purple, fashion pearl shiny boots like lacquer skin. With rubber boots go well with skinny jeans, wear them with a short jacket, coat or trench coats straight with a belt.

As for umbrellas, this season at the height of fashion are walking-stick umbrellas, whose luxury pen with a long tip, chosen to match one of garment accessories. Umbrella will make any model refined and elegant clothes. Young girls will approach the bright umbrellas depicting cartoon characters, forcing others to smile. For the ladies, it is desirable to choose an older original models umbrellas, painted or decorated with various ornaments eastern symbols. Umbrellas in the plaid is always relevant because of its intellectual mind.

Umbrellas not only protect from the rain, the best clothes for rainy weather are considered the classic trench coats, which combine perfectly, as with everyday jeans and with evening dresses. Woman in trench coat always looks elegant, so today, many ladies have this model of clothes in her wardrobe. In short, fashion rain is not a hindrance.

Tags: clothing, weather, walking stick, boot