The whole truth about the benefits and dangers of X-ray

The whole truth about the benefits and dangers of X-ray
 During the diagnosis of many diseases doctors prescribe passing procedure called X-rays. This concept combines different methods of beam diagnostics that help identify the development of diseases in the early stages and prescribe treatment in a timely manner, leading to the recovery of patients.
 For example, fluoroscopy helps to recognize the lung disease, and mammography - breast disease. However, the frequent administration of x-ray with no serious grounds for doing so adversely affects health. In difficult situations much easier not to engage in diagnostic search, and immediately appoint a CT scan, which gives the most powerful radiation load. And, many physicians use daily.

The term "radiation exposure" has nothing to do with the word "radiation". Many radiological techniques are safe for patients, such as ultrasound. According to the WHO, for more than half a century the practice of using ultrasound use it its side effects are not revealed. A informative method is not inferior to CT. There is an alternative - magnetic resonance imaging, which uses nuclear magnetic resonance, ie radiation exposure does not occur, and informative images obtained remains high.

Radiography remains the primary method for diagnosing lesions of bones and joints, the procedure plays an important role during the examination of the lungs, especially as a screening method.

To protect yourself, it is advisable to keep a diary of radiation exposure, which bring information about passed studies. Learn numbers are not difficult, they appear in the text of the conclusion of the radiologist (or after the name of the procedure or in the upper right corner of the form). It is necessary to select medical institutions with new equipment. Survey on older devices, worn out, potentially dangerous.

If possible, it is necessary to give preference to methods of diagnosis without radiation exposure. If the doctor assigns an x-ray, you can ask, is there an alternative to this procedure. Without the consent of the patient, doctors can not even take a blood test, not to mention the more serious survey methods. It is important to observe the rule that the harm caused by X-rays in each case must be weighed against the anticipated benefit from the obtained results of the study.

Permissible load is 1 m3v radiation per year on average over five years but not more than 5 m3v per year (in addition to natural radiation). Limiting radiation exposure during medical studies in Year 1 m3v. Ultrasound, MRI no radiation load on the body is not.

Tags: X-rays, however, the benefits, harms