How to grind the tooth

How to grind the tooth
 Turning tooth - this is a very unpleasant and painful procedure. And done it in case you need to make up for his lost part. But its success depends primarily on the experience and skills of the dentist.
 Before you decide to implement prosthetics, consult a competent professional. To make up for the lost areas require additional turning of healthy teeth, close. Note: From this they will become less stable. So if there is an opportunity to prosthetics without grinding, better use it.

For example, select the implant. This method allows to recreate any form any size tooth. But, unfortunately, it is not suitable for some serious diseases. Thus, in the case of diabetes or hyperthyroidism may detach the implant body, foreign to him.

There is another method called beskoronkovy bridge, which is based on the use Microcastle. It has no contraindications, and it does not damage adjacent gums and teeth. However, this technique is quite expensive.

Correct grind tooth can not every dentist. That is why before going to the dental clinic, take a look at the reviews and decide which doctor to consult the best. Or ask your friends already passed such a procedure, and consult with them.

In order to grind the tooth, you should always use anesthesia. A good dentist will never remove the nerve, and the process will very carefully and slowly. Ideally, the process tooth during the procedure as described in need circular shoulder. In other words, between the gum line and grinding should always remain a certain distance. This does not lead to bleeding and damage to soft tissues.

So, how do prosthetics and grinding, and without it. What a way to choose up to you. It is believed that the turning of the tooth - a necessary thing, and especially if the inflammatory process has begun.

Tags: tooth, dentist