Genetics and genius

Genetics and genius
 Argued that genius and madness - children of the same nature. Gene genius strenuously seeking genetics. But is there any? Most likely, a single gene does not exist, and there is a possibility of its unique combination that reflects the inherent prerequisites to become a man of genius. However, only getting in favorable conditions, they develop to a high level, and the genius realized.

In major genetics Efroimson VP the question of genius at the genetic level studied comprehensively. He researched the life, mind, creativity, and the genealogy of many prominent people and concluded that genius is a fine line between normality and mental illness. In the history of mankind examples of this abound.

The essence of belief Efroimson is to ensure that the talents and geniuses have in their genotype internal factors "doping" that enhance the intellectual and mental activity on the background of various abilities.

They describe four biological pacemaker-dependent genes
- High level of uric acid in the blood, causing gout;
- Increased content of androgens in women with the syndrome Morris;
- High level of catecholamines in Marfan's syndrome;
- With a weak form of manic-depressive psychosis cyclic stimulation of mental activity.

Efroimson, exploring the phenomenon of Pushkin AS, studied the family tree of the poet to the fifth generation. According to him, the talent Pushkin developed against the background of cyclothymia - tendency to rapid change ups and downs of mood, which he inherited from his parents. The rise of creative activity and productivity were advancing, usually after a period of dramatic excitement, passion.

Great geneticist discovered another factor of mental stimulation mental alertness AS Pushkin, which he inherited by accident.

Gout - a disease associated with an increase in blood uric acid, which suffered a poet. Uric acid in its properties similar to caffeine, which causes an increase mental alertness. For example, the maximum creative activity in the autumn period when the disease was particularly strong aggravation.

Other outstanding gout include: Rubens, Renoir, Beethoven, Maupassant, Turgenev, Newton, Darwin, Kant, Schopenhauer, Milton, Goethe, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther, Boris Godunov, etc.

Tags: factor, a stimulant, a geneticist, genius