Early bird or night vypolzen?

Early bird or night vypolzen?
 "Owls" and "larks" differ from each other not so much sleep duration as daily peak activity. But just count the number of those and other representatives of the "bird" is almost impossible, because in its pure form, they are rare.
 Predisposition to a particular type of influence not only the genetic characteristics of a particular organism, but also age. For example, among young people under 30 years of age are more likely to occur "owl", but in the period from maturity to old age people tend to commit the metamorphosis of "owl" in the "lark".

"Larks" wake up at dawn, namely, 6-7 am, but at 22.00 already sweet snuffle under a blanket. It is believed that they are more focused and energetic than the "owls". However, their vigor is markedly reduced in the evening, and locates them on sleepiness. To successfully fight it, do not drink coffee in the morning invigorating, replacing it with lime, chamomile or green tea. Physical activity early risers is divided into two periods: the first starts from 8.00 to 12.00, and the second - from 16.00 to 18.00. "Larks" perfect morning sports training, which is useful to start immediately in the wake period, ie, at 6-7 am.

For "owls" early rise is almost heroic. Biorhythms their work so that they wake up to around 10-11 o'clock in the morning, but put to bed after midnight. Thanks to this way of life "owls" are less prone to various diseases, such as heart disease and weakened immune system. To quickly get rid of sleep, use the douche in the morning and not sharp and growing alarm sound. During the day, to distribute all important business activity into three periods: from 13.00 to 14.00, from 18.00 to 20.00 and from 23 to one in the morning. By the way, having more peaks vivacity says that "owls" a little easier to adjust to the flexitime than "larks".

There is a third, mixed type - "doves." These include about one-third of people living on the planet. They are unique in that they can be easily converted from "Lark" in "owl" and vice versa. Biological rhythms "doves" are arranged in such a way that they often wake up around 8-9 in the morning and fall asleep to 23.00. Thus, the main period of activity in this type of people is quite long lasting - from 10 to 18.00, which corresponds to the features of the standard working day in the labor market. By the way, "blue" can easily tolerate acclimatization and quickly get used to the change of time zones.

Tags: owl, bird, bird, vypolzen