Ascorbic acid and its effect on the human body

Ascorbic acid and its effect on the human body
 The best known of all the vitamin is vitamin C, and in the terminology of organic chemistry - ascorbic acid. She is one of the most important substances for the body, as actively regulates metabolic processes in the body. At the adequacy of ascorbic acid to create appropriate conditions for the proper flow in the body redox biochemical reactions.

This vitamin has miraculous properties - to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, especially the smallest of them, the capillaries. They become less brittle and more flexible. Vitamin C is soluble and will not damage the excess removed from the body. However, the preferred technique is uniform.

Hypovitaminosis ascorbic acid causes a state of the body, in which the immune and cardiovascular system functioning in a state of overload. Also, this vitamin plays an important role in lipid metabolism, i.e. regulates cholesterol metabolism.

Sufficiency of vitamin C have a positive impact on the activity of the endocrine system, digestive system, and is evident in the lack of capacity and loss of tone - up to lethargy, apathy, chronic fatigue syndrome. It is actively preparing an environment for the emergence of atherosclerotic disorders.

The demand for ascorbic acid is from seventy to one hundred milligrams per day. With age, the need for vitamin C increases.

Receipt of this vitamin with food - a necessary condition for maintaining health. Vitamin C is found in apples, peppers, fruits of mountain ash, chokeberry Aronia, currants, citrus fruits, strawberries, a wild rose, tomatoes, spinach and other greens, cabbage, garlic, onions.

However, vitamin C is rapidly destroyed by heating in the presence of oxygen. Therefore, to replenish ascorbic acid foods should be consumed raw.

Tags: organism, human, acid stomach, vitamin effect