New Year - a heavy holiday

New Year - a heavy holiday
 A series of New Year's parties, corporate events, meetings with relatives and friends can be a tedious time, despite entertaining. From such a load suffer digestive system, psyche and wallet.  
 Around December 20 begin corporate events - all organizations note the coming New Year, banquets replaced buffets, theme parties, trips to the country and country clubs. Only a few organizations carry New Year celebrations in January, or do it in the beginning of December - usually trading firms that can not lose customers in the hectic days when sales are particularly high.

Besides the fact that sometimes employees have to pay part of the banquet, they loaded cooking entertaining part - from each department must submit a small scene or story on New Year's theme. On the one hand, to see their colleagues and superiors in an unexpected appearance can be very fun and interesting, but on the other hand, the preparation of the show is the delay after work, rehearsals at the weekend, finding costumes, inventing stories, learning the roles, dances, etc. . After this preparatory marathon can be a little tired and lose interest in most holiday, because even have to work, perform household tasks, solve problems, children, relatives, etc.

New Year holidays with their unaltered guests, feasts and overeating smooth "flow" of corporate holidays. Approximately 3-4 weeks is necessary for the celebration of Christmas and New Year with friends, colleagues, family, close relatives, classmates, etc. Bottom line is very sad - a few extra pounds, following alcoholic libations and lack of sleep under his eyes, not quite stale and rested appearance.

Increasingly, people tend to go for New Year's vacation out of the country in order to be able to really relax, changing places and environment. Such trips usually take up a substantial part of the family budget, and to go on New Year's Eve in Europe or America, people have to lead an economical lifestyle left a couple of weeks to paycheck. And often the organization of home parties and gathering of guests and visiting entertainment clubs with Christmas programs cost the same amount, if not more. Add to this the cost of purchasing gifts, buying new clothes, bring myself up and get you the most significant amount of expenses for the full year.

Tags: holiday, year