Pragmatic gifts
It may be well-known brand watches, studded with diamonds, "sverhkrutogo" model home trainer (or even a whole room) or electronic device is the latest model. For example, the laser turntable for vinyl records. Such gifts are ideal for self-confident people who like to emphasize their social status, but do not want to spend money for nothing.
Luxuriously-representational prezenty
This group includes vintage or just a rare thing. For example, a book bound in gilt inlaid with semiprecious stones. Or expensive household furnishings - for example, a bar in the form of a globe, inlaid with malachite, jasper and lapis lazuli. Diamond necklace of Marie Antoinette. Such surprises will appeal to people who have a tendency to sybaritic lifestyle.
This category may include an oil portrait made in the technique of abstract contemporary artists, gift diploma distant star name of the gift recipient's name. But your choice on such original things if you are sure that the sense of humor is present in the person to whom you this Hand.
Gifts, Sports meet your "counterpart"
And then the choice is incredible widely depending on preferences - from doroguschego sets of golf clubs to a new feature-rich model helmet for fans of steep slopes.
Extremely not cheap prezenty
Paragliding or aerotrube, participation in the race luxury yacht, flying in space, in the end. If you have an extra twenty million dollars, then why not spend it on a person close to you?