Biography star: Mikhail Efremov

Biography star: Mikhail Efremov
 Double fate gave Ephraim make a brilliant career. First, in "Contemporary-2", then - in the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. Theater "Contemporary - 2" Michael headed back in 1987, where it played with Maria Evstigneeva, Nikita Vysotsky, Vyacheslav Innocent. Studio lasted a little over three years, but he could not resist. And from the Moscow Art Theatre, led by the father of the actor, Efremov left the scandal.

The future actor was born harsh autumn, November 10, 1963 in Moscow. Michael grew up in a theatrical family, parents always shine on stage. Father Oleg Yefremov - famous actor and director, and his mother, Alina Intercession - the actress who played a long time in the "Contemporary". Even the grandfather of Michael, Boris Pokrovsky, was the director of the opera.

Debut on stage was the role in the play "Leaving, look!", Which he received by his father. As a child he began to take off in a movie. At thirteen years old teenager appeared in a famous painting: "Days surgeon Mishkin," and removed through the 1978 film "When I become a giant" Michael was the most popular young actor of the USSR.

After the release of the film "Once, twenty years later," Ephraim came to a break in his career because of the army and study at the institute. At the end of first year (1982), Michael drafted into the army. But to serve "all" was not given: Michael became engaged in productions that are dedicated to red calendar days (May Day, November 7, etc.). After the service, Michael recovered at the Institute and continued his studies.

After graduation Ephraim stood at the head of the theater "Contemporary-2." In 1991 there was a collapse of the troupe, and Michael decided to do a director and an actor at the Moscow Art Theater under the direction of his father. In the theater, Michael worked for eight years, and in 1999 left him.

Increasing popularity of Ephraim brought the famous serial film "Border". From this moment the actor increasingly could be seen on the screen no less famous films: "Kamenskaya", "Imperial Family", "Antikiller" and "Antikiller-2."

During the filming of "The Romanovs" - the actor met Xenia Kachalin. This is the third wife of the famous Ephraim. The actress gave birth to his beautiful daughter Anna Maria. But now Efremov again married, this is his fourth attempt to establish a personal life. This time, his choice was Sophia Kruglikova, sound engineer, teacher Gnesinka.

Who knows Michael Ephraim, directors are fighting for the right to shoot it in his paintings. But, despite the fact that in the year goes sometimes more than a dozen paintings with his participation, he is not fixated on a single image, and constantly changing.

Tags: movie star, biography, Ephraim