Person: Tina Kandelaki

Person: Tina Kandelaki
Not to know who this Kandelaki need at least do not have a TV at home, because without this bright and talented women are now rare talk show costs. Today, it is probably the most popular in Russia, TV presenter, a talented journalist and a successful producer.

Tina Kandelaki (real name Tina Kandelaki) could well be a doctor, but at some point decided to go against the expectations of parents, as dreams are more important. She was born in 1975 in a military family, and already this can imagine how her upbringing was strict. It is home to the city of Tbilisi, where she grew up. After school, she enrolled in the University of Tbilisi at the medical faculty, but quickly realized that this is absolutely not her type of activity. Tina Kandelaki already wanted to become a journalist to break into the secular world and express themselves. Entered the Faculty of Journalism, she began the path to their dreams, fueled ambitions.

Tina Kandelaki biography is rich in a variety of programs and shows that she was on radio and television. Until that day, as Tina Kandelaki began working with entertainment channel STS, it basically works on the radio. At first, leading to the Georgian radio station "Radio 105", and then at various radio stations in Moscow, moving all the way up the ladder of popularity. In 2002, a young Georgian journalist was noticed and appreciated as a wonderful energetic leader, able to pull any show. She was instructed to transmit "Details", where she stayed until 2007 leading. Together with this project, in 2003, became the leading Kandelaki in the "most intelligent", it remains to this day.

Since 2006 works leading to the radio "Echo of Moscow". In 2008, Tina has become a leading television program "Unreal politics", in 2009, took part in the project "Two stars" as one of the leading. In the same year became a producer and presenter of "Infomania" on STS. Since 2010 Kandelaki - member of the jury of Major League KVN and host of the show "The Perfect Man" on STS.

To date, Tina Kandelaki may be considered the most successful person on television and in business. She continues to work as a journalist - Tina Kandelaki blog read by millions of people. Is also a co-owner of the company "Apostle Media" and owns several restaurants, including restaurant Georgian cuisine "Tinatin" in Moskve.Ozvuchivaet movies ("Asterix at the Olympic Games" - the Greek princess, Irina).

Energy stored in this woman does not dry out. With such a rapid development of career, she manages to deal with and his personal life, which, by the way, the press knows far less than the work of Tina.

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