Modern literature: Candidates for classic and disposable novels

Modern literature: Candidates for classic and disposable novels
 Beginning of the 21th century - it's not the end of literature. New books are still in the price. To get an idea of ​​the main trends of modern Russian prose, it is enough to read the bestseller list at the entrance to the bookstore. But what really interests the reader?

Globalization has its offensive on all fronts of contemporary culture. Reader to the twenty-first century is reaping the fruits of intertextuality, serial thinking and neomifologicheskogo consciousness, which was held under the banner of the twentieth century.

Modern Russian literature, despite the uniqueness of some attempts (T. Thick, N. Sadur) continues to exist with an eye to the West. But Boris Akunin is still far from J. Pierce and S. Minaev - to Mr. Miller. Our fashion writers stuck somewhere at the level of Dan Brown and Bret J. Ellis, whether it is trying to convey to the reader's consciousness elements of oriental culture (another belated reaction to Western trends) or novels with a claim to a stream of consciousness.

The most popular genres of new books:
- Detectives (Dontsov, Ustinova, E. Sartini);
- Romance (Berseneva A., E. Vil'mont)
- Fantasy and fanfiction (Lukyanenko, Nick. Perumov, K. Eskov);
Is a strict genre affiliation - nonconformists (I. Yarkevich, P. Sana M Urzhakov).
Directions: realism, psevdoromantizm, psevdorealizme (metaphysical realism, mystical realism, realism, post-postmodernism - terms not considered as authors).

Read contemporary literature from the perspective of the search for meaning in life, which opens into the nature of good and evil - a thankless task. On the other hand, the human soul is multifaceted - and one thrilling story, too, will not be fed. As a result, beginners and venerable classics scribblers continue to practice in the description of unprecedented upheaval for people to think about the purpose of their existence.

All this - the contamination of the picaresque novel and social drama. That is the exciting story building, coupled with the search for the meaning of life as it was in Dostoevsky. So Russian literature is still didactic. Only time is running out, and the once respectable publications shrink to the size of poketbuka. Writers suddenly become classics (V. Pelevin, L.Ulitskaya, Vic. Erofeev) "novels-by-night" obsolete in the next subway station.

The reader will, as always, will vote ruble. Age, social and financial status in the selection of new books are not important. It is still interested in ordinary people who are in difficult circumstances: Viola Babel Tatar and Anton Gorodetsky.

Tags: novel, story, Ph.D., classic, novelty