To strengthen the muscles of the back, use the top link. For this you need a simulator to perform linkage with an emphasis in the sitting position. Hop on a simulator, fast uperevshis hips in stops and holding pens simulator. Keep in mind that the more will be your grip, the stronger will be the impact on the muscles of the back. Tilt your head slightly forward and pull the handle of the simulator before they touch the central part of the handles neck. Take five or six sets of sixteen to eighteen repetitions in each set.
Strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder girdle. To do this, you can use dumbbells and barbells from the bar with weights or without. To work with dumbbells Stand with your legs slightly bent and looking up above the horizon. Take in each hand dumbbell, and then out of the rack, as previously described, to carry out flapping through the sides up to the level of your head. Then perform similar simultaneous lifting dumbbell, but standing straight and raising them in front. Mash the shoulders, grab a vulture from the bar and lift it above the other. Slowly lower the bar behind your head until it touches the cervical vertebrae, and then lift up again. Do not lower the bar on the shoulders, as if the delta strain without rest, it helps them to better study.