How to keep your figure

How to keep your figure
 Slim, trim figure - the dream of most women. But how to stay in good shape, if not quite enough time for sports club or swimming pool. Try to train in between times, combining the usual case with exercise.
 In order to maintain a slim figure, you need to move more. Firstly, try to train yourself to walk more: to and from work, shopping at the store, etc. If the workplace is too far away, try to leave the house earlier to one or two stops to walk. In addition to burning calories and strengthening the leg muscles, abdomen and back, this twenty-minute morning walk gives positive emotions and good mood for the whole day. Going to the store by car, ask the wife to park a block from the supermarket, to burn some calories while you go to a place and then from him to the car.

Give up the elevator, using a ladder as a simulator for the heart muscle and joints. In addition, during the ascent of the stairs with about four different muscles of the body. If a family has a dog, use a mini-workouts while walking. Arrange a jog with your pet, make the slopes, sit-ups. Ten minutes of jogging can be reset 110 calories.

If the house has an exercise bike, align lessons with your favorite movies - this cardio while having fun. During commercials while lying on the couch, roll the pedal on an imaginary bike, do simple exercises for the press: alternately tense and relax your abdominal muscles (not less than fifty times). Do the same exercise for the buttocks.

Taking a bath, try holding hands on the side, straighten and raise by one foot (10 times each). Catching up on household cleaning, try setting yourself time, for example, for washing floors. Do not use a mop, and try to meet the deadline. Often include music and dance in between times, burning extra calories by exercising the heart muscle, lifting your mood.

Tags: form, the house, the figure