Slimming patch

 Among the various methods of weight loss method of correction with plaster slimming stands. Most likely it was due to the non-traditional method of effects on the body. We've learned that it is necessary to lose weight or give up on something in the diet or vice versa add various drugs to the daily diet. By the same method, the biologically active substances do not fall into the body through the gastro-intestinal tract, and the skin directly on the affected area. Let's try to separate truth from fiction and Let us examine the basic facts of life patch for weight loss.

The principle of effects on the body as follows: active ingredients included in the adhesive to penetrate through the skin directly and activate the metabolism in the area.

With the patch increases blood circulation, cleaned ottёki, improves the function of the lymphatic system, accelerates the breakdown of fats. Amidst all these beneficial processes of the body should lose kilograms and centimeters in volume.

Use the patch for weight loss is simple: must be glued to plaster the problem area (it may be different in size from 3 to 10 3 to 10 inches) and carry it from 20 minutes to one day (depending on the manufacturer). The patch should be changed every day. The duration of one course of 30 days.

What is most interesting, and perhaps the most attracting potential buyers by using the patch is not necessary to comply with, or whether any diet or increase physical activity.

It turns mode of life, which led man to excess weight remains the same, but thanks to the active components of the patch body begins to process the excess fat and weight is reset.

So it must be according to the developers.

Indeed, this technique possible effects on the body. Trained substances easily penetrate our skin, getting into the intercellular fluid, and then in the cells themselves. Due to this method of delivering substances to the body, we have a number of advantages.

Quickness. Biologically active substances there is no need to pass the entire gastrointestinal tract.

They do not feel the impact of digestive juices, and therefore in a constant state of fall as intended.

It's easy to work on those areas of the body that you most care about.

In this method, there are some disadvantages, which should be remembered fat people.

1. Excess weight can be divided into two components: the internal and external fat fat. External fat is that we do not see eye armed and internal fat is the fat that wraps around our intestines, liver, kidneys and other internal organs. Naturally with plaster increase metabolism in these parts of the body does not turn out.

2. The active ingredients included in the adhesive does not leak into the blood and, therefore, even in the external fat may act only on the location where the patch is adhered.

3. One of the main ingredients included in the adhesive are substances that "burn" fats, i.e. activate lipid metabolism in cells. But according to experts activate fat metabolism in the body is possible only with an increase in motor activity. It is necessary to go to the gym, to actively participate in sports.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions suggest themselves

Slimming patch has meaning only for the prevention, people who do not have excess weight and cellulite.

If you have a little extra weight (3 - 5 pounds) and you are ready to work with the patch to adjust your daily diet and engage in active sports - then you will succeed, you will get rid of excess weight.

If you have a large enough overweight (over 10 pounds) it makes sense to bring the weight back to normal with the help of more effective interventions: strict diet, physical activity or by using biologically active additives to food. Then you can bring to their ideal shape using the patch for weight loss.

Tags: Weight Loss