How to switch to a vegetarian diet: pros and cons

How to switch to a vegetarian diet: pros and cons
 In the attempt to abandon the diet, is not always possible to achieve the goal, people pay attention to other possible amendments to the regime and diet. Someone studying complex programs, someone to count calories, and someone is trying to become a vegetarian. However, even here there is a problem of choice, the need to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this system.  

Mistakenly refer to vegetarianism as a new form of diet. First of all, it should be understood that the system power - only a consequence of the general attitudes. That is why in general can not stand the question of whether to go to a vegetarian diet. The person for whom it seems unacceptable harm to living beings, a priori will not feel the craving for animal food. And this is true even if you have most of their lives prefer to eat meat, changing position in life will affect the diet.

However, well-designed system of philosophy of vegetarianism allows it to borrow from the individual parts, including a specific diet. There are several gradations of his - from relatively light in which you will need to give only meat and fish, to the most severe when you can not even have any eggs and dairy products.

What useful can find yourself in a human diet, not separating plants vegetarians? Dignity should be sought as part of the allowed foods. If you look at her list, the task may seem complicated: for childhood man knows that fruits, vegetables and grains (namely, they form the basis of vegetarian food) - it is a storehouse of vitamins, source required for the normal functioning of your body's cells. Occurs cleansing of the body, strengthening the bones, you get constant help and support from nature.

There are other positive aspects. Firstly, if your goal is to transition to a vegetarian diet, then achieving this, you will feel confident in their abilities, will be more to love yourself. Understanding what you could achieve something, will raise the self-esteem. Secondly, the involvement of a particular culture allows to establish new connections, find your friends and associates. Third, you just bring a change in life, and that in itself is a significant advantage. Fourth, you get the opportunity to exhibit their imagination, thinking and trying new, uncharted dishes.

But the vegetarian diet has its drawbacks. You can not ignore the fact that this dietary restriction, and any restriction you something denies. What happens when you exclude from the allowed list of products of meat, fish, eggs? Disappear two sources of vitamins is important for you, what is the B12, D and some vitamins B. They are responsible for bone strength, for the processes of cell division, promote healthy functioning of the nervous system. And if certain measures can compensate for the deficiency of vitamin D, B12 that the human body does not synthesize under any circumstances.

Lacking in plant foods and another essential element - iron, and because it is thanks to him to maintain an optimal level of hemoglobin.

It is important to understand that if you switch to a vegetarian diet, you can not just give up and leave the meat in the diet of vegetables. All elements and vitamins can only have a positive effect when placed in a certain balance. If you change the mode you need to take this into account, and build a system of power so as to restore the altered balance.

Tags: nutrition