Diet for weight loss method Ornish

Diet for weight loss method Ornish
 Fat-free vegan diet was originally conceived as a way of eating for people with heart disease who have problems with blood vessels. Gradually it began to recommend to people who want to lose weight - excellent results, low cost and the significant improvement of the body.

Complete rejection of fat in combination with physical activity of varying intensity leads to the normalization of weight. Payment diet is due to eating foods with complex carbohydrates - fruits, berries, grains, vegetables and so on. The effectiveness of slimming Dr. Ornish binds with dietary restrictions, and not to count calories at the same time it is obligatory to avoiding harmful habits.

Classification of Products by Ornish is as follows:

- Products that can be used without restrictions: vegetables, fruits and berries, grains and legumes.
- Acceptable small amount in the diet of low-fat dairy products, crackers, egg whites.
- Prohibited products include: all kinds of meat, fatty dairy products and cheeses, mayonnaise, butter, nuts, avocados, olives. Also banned sweets, sugar, spicy dishes.

The apparent advantage of this diet is a benefit to the organism in the form of lower levels of "bad" cholesterol, leading to problems with the heart and blood vessels. Diet corrects the human condition and to minimize the risk of disease from fat - diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, strokes, etc.

Ornish diet allows for non-compliance regime power - can be eaten at any time, but stick to the basic rules of the system, not by eating forbidden foods. Person does not experience stress, saturating the body with fiber, that the sensation of hunger and promotes weight loss. For dieting does not need to reinvent the special menu and prepare special meals, therefore, this principle does not require special power of financial costs.

Outs diet is the need to compile the menu for a few days ahead to exercise control over the receipt of all necessary elements - a lack of iron and protein can lead to anemia. Absence of some products in the diet with monounsaturated fats contained in the nuts and vegetable oils, can reduce the level of "good" cholesterol. Compliance with dietary restrictions require high self-discipline and a lot of effort from the man.

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