Chocolate diet - one of the most strict diets. In addition, and sweet it can be called a stretch. It involves eating only 90 grams of dark chocolate a day. These programs should be divided into three meals, drinking unsweetened coffee (can be supplemented with skim milk). The volume of liquid which should be consumed per day should not be less than 1 to 2 liters. In addition to water you can drink green tea unsweetened. Such a diet is designed for 5 days, for which you can lose 3 to 6 pounds, but health is better to arrange discharge day chocolate at least once a week.
Banana Diet - based on the use of three bananas and three glasses of milk a day. For those who do not like milk, it can be replaced with yogurt and bananas to eat in any form - as raw and steamed or boiled. Diet is designed for 3 days; You can lose up to 4 pounds.
Candy Diet - a day can consume food not more than 75 grams of candy, and they can dissolve only when hunger can not be longer tolerated. 3 days diet, you can lose 4-5 kilos. However, there is an easier option - up to 16 hours to eat all the time and then restrict caramels. The liquid may be unsweetened drink only, but in unlimited quantities.
Grape diet - like most diets designed for 3 days. Wherein the first day can be eaten 0, 5 kilograms of grapes, the second - 1, 5, and the third - 2 kg. Daily dose should be divided into 5 parts, and every day to drink 2 liters of fluid. You can lose up to 2 "unnecessary" pounds.
Honey diet - its essence lies in the fact that each food intake must add 1 teaspoon of honey. The basic diet should consist of low-fat dairy products, citrus fruits, acidic juices and cooked vegetables. One serving should have no more than 200 grams. A diet designed for 2 weeks, during which time you can lose up to 4 pounds.
Selecting the "sweet" diet is pretty big. However, before any of them need to see a specialist for advice, because they are all quite radical. During the diet should definitely take vitamins. Out of the diet should be gradually adding to eat only healthy foods. It is also necessary to develop a whole new diet, or those extra pounds quickly return to their place!