Anti-aging power system

Anti-aging power system
 To the body feel rejuvenated, products must increase metabolism, which in turn supports cellular nutrition. According protivozrastnoy power supply system, the products are divided into four groups. Excluded from the diet and eating some others, you will be able to prolong their youth and maintain health.
 Anti-aging diet divides foods into 4 groups:
1. Nutrients - are products that generate vital energy. These include fresh juices, cereals, plant seeds.
2. Bioactive - are products of positive effects on the body. This group includes nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products.
3. Biostatichnye products do not harm, but are useless to the body. This seafood, fish, meat, cereals and heat-treated vegetables.
4. Biocidal food only zashlakovyvaet body. This group includes all artificial additives and refined products.

So, the secret of youth is simple: should eat only nutrient and bioactive products, reduce the number of biostatichnyh and biocidal exclude from your diet. Rejuvenating meal should include a maximum variety of vegetable dishes and a minimum of meat, and it is best to confine poultry or fish. Cooking and decorating dishes, spare no greenery. Food in any case can not overcook or digest, you lose any of the useful properties of the products. It's better if you cook it by steaming or zapechete.

In addition to food, appearance and health depend more on certain factors. First, always get enough sleep because lack of sleep - it's a feeling of weakness for the whole day and dark circles under the eyes. Strong and healthy sleep should last at least eight hours.

Second, move more. Necessary to increase the power consumption: you walk, do some aerobics or shaping, roller-skating or swimming in the pool

Do not get carried away sweets. Because of its high calorie content they lead to metabolic disorders and add extra pounds.

And finally, be optimistic. Try not to lose his temper, and as little nervous. You'll find that life will be much easier and more enjoyable.

Tags: system, diet, nutrition