What diet most strange, or if you still want to lose weight?

What diet most strange, or if you still want to lose weight?
 Many women, and sometimes men, firmly and very firmly believe: in what place to lose weight and how much weight throw is always there. Sometimes they are struggling with excess weight very extravagant ways.

The most bizarre diets could be called five of a huge number of ways to lose weight.

Fifth place is rightly given a diet called "wine". At first glance, there is absolutely nothing unusual: the standard boiled egg for breakfast and two I block a day, which can vary the non-fat cottage cheese. However, after each meal is recommended to speed up metabolism and brighten until the next snack glass of red wine. The main purpose of the diet - try not to get involved in it and stop yourself brighten the days of wine at the end of the five days laid.

Fourth place deservedly can be awarded "palm" diet. The whole day you can eat whatever they want, not counting the calories consumed. But what would it be diet, if these conditions will not be any dirty trick? He just lies in the title: portions should fit in your hand!

Third place was taken by a very popular Italian diet. It's called "traffic light" lies in the fact that for breakfast you can eat only red foods (tomatoes, raspberries and red fish) for lunch - yellow (corn and bananas, for example). For dinner, you can enjoy only the green goodies (kiwi, zucchini, cucumbers or salad of fennel and parsley, choose).

Second place rightfully belongs to the diet for signs of the zodiac. Its effectiveness has not been proven, but there is originality! Aquarians are advised to give up sandwiches, pastries from the calves, lions from fatty foods, and fish - from alcohol. For each sign of the zodiac were developed his advice. It remains only to find out who tried so - nutritionists or astrologers.

Deserved first place is a diet invented by Diego Rivera - famous Mexican painter. However, until now it has not been applied. Whether she enjoyed myself Diego - also a mystery, because the diet was ... in eating human meat dishes in order to cleanse the body. Agree, sometimes it's better just to paint, not to lose weight!

So, if you're still determined to lose weight, the best thing would be to go to a professional dietitian, who will select and recommend diet exercise. In an extreme case, call best friend - let her retell you diet, which read in the latest fashion magazine, but it's better to play it safe experience the ways of the "strange" list!

Tags: horoscope, diet