Rule 1. Living bacteria to the skin
It is necessary to include in your daily diet foods bifidoflora. It "cleans" the intestines, improves his work, which is very important for the skin. After her necessarily reflected the state of our digestive system. Problems in this area will inevitably lead to the appearance of spots, pimples and redness.
This can be avoided if every day to drink anything containing live bifidobacteria. This can be bifidokefir, bifidok, bifidolayf or any other drinks enriched bifidoflora. Here, everyone decides for himself - it all depends on taste preferences and financial capabilities. The main thing - do not forget about the enriched milk drinks, they are required and useful for everyone.
Before buying it is imperative to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiry date. Better to choose the freshest product, because the live bacteria die quickly enough.
Rule 2. Essential proteins
Enrich your diet enough protein, you kill two birds at once. First, you can lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. And secondly, support your skin.
One of the best suppliers of protein is fish. In addition, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is also very good effect on the skin. These substances are contained in the vegetable oil. Preference should be given to those varieties which have been
obtained by cold pressing. Fish cooked in this oil is very useful for the skin. In addition, it is quite a dietary meal, which can be recommended for dinner.
A garnish can be Fig. By the way, the diet must necessarily include whole grain cereals. Yet we must not forget about the bread, the best to eat rye flour. But all there muffins and buns are poor in vitamins and trace elements, but very rich in calories.
If you strictly follow the diet, replace the grain side dishes for cooked vegetables. About the latter, by the way, I must say separately.
Rule 3. Vegetables and fruits every day
Cook the vegetables need for special rules that will save the maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements. First of all, we must not forget that you need to cook vegetables in an enamel pot with a tight-fitting lid, which prevents access of air. The air contains oxygen having a high oxidizing ability. He simply destroys certain substances, such as vitamin C. In order to protect "askorbinku" from oxidation, it is necessary to block access to air.
That is why the vegetables should be cooked in a sealed pot. It is not necessary every five minutes to check the readiness of vegetables, poking them with a knife. This is, firstly, make mistress once again lift the lid. And secondly, of "wounds" which leaves the sharp edge will be "washed out" vitamins. It is better to try to keep in mind the time of readiness of each vegetable.
There is one more thing that concerns all the same cover. It should be opaque, because any vegetables should boil in the dark. The fact that light promotes the decomposition of vitamins.
But no matter how hard you try, fresh fruits and vegetables vitamins more than boiled. Therefore, it is necessary to eat every day 600-700 grams of raw fruits and berries - they are entirely cover the body's need for vitamins and minerals.
Selecting the range again is individual and depends on taste preferences. But there are some fruits that deserve special attention. This is especially true of suppliers of vitamin C, which is required, and the skin and nails, and hair.
An excellent source of this material is kiwi. One small fruit covers almost daily need for "askorbinku." But, firstly, not everyone loves kiwi. Secondly, some, for example diabetics, it has simply impossible. In the third this fruit allergy.
In this case, you need to pay attention to citrus. They also contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, although much smaller than the kiwi. In order to get the required amount of vitamin cherished, a man must eat every day 2-3 oranges. Their adequate replacement will be a big red grapefruit, or one lemon.
But, you see, it is difficult to eat in a day such a huge amount of citrus. This is not only a severe blow on the wallet, but also a great burden on the stomach. Indeed, in lemons and oranges contain a large amount of acid, which is harmful when enhanced gastric secretion. Thus the citrus fruit to be combined with other sources of vitamin C.
You can lean on lingonberries and cranberries - they contain a lot of "askorbinki." And it is preserved not only in fresh berries, but also pickled. A lot of vitamin C is found in sweet pepper, parsley, cabbage. And, of course, do not forget about apples. They also present a significant amount of "askorbinki." Most of it in acidic fruit - for example, in Antonovka. Anyway, in winter varieties of vitamin C than in earlier. So in early spring apples must include in the diet of each of us.
Rule 4. Sulfur and silicon hair and nails
Separate discussion deserve products that contain sulfur and silicon, necessary for normal growth of hair and nails. A lot of these micronutrients in tomato juice. It must be included in the daily diet.
It is important to observe portions. That is, it is not necessary to drink in one gulp a few glasses of juice at a time. It is better to prolong the pleasure for the whole day - half a cup of drink for breakfast, lunch and half a cup of glass instead of dinner. Agree, it is useful not only for nails, but also for the figure.
By "silicon-sulfur" products are and seafood. We are talking about shrimp, mussels, crabs and squid. Their meat is an excellent source of protein and micronutrients every conceivable. It is useful so that all of us can recommend a daily intake of these delicacies. But there is a big "but" - the cost. Price seafood often exceeds all imaginable likelihood, and therefore, these products are not affordable for everyone. But do not despair - because there is seaweed. According to the content of trace elements, it is an adequate substitute for oysters, squid and crabs. But protein is not here. But they may well be to fill the usual meat. If it cook a side dish of seaweed, the body gets almost all the same as what is found in seafood.
Rule 5. Not all meat is equally useful
A few words must be said about the meats and the method of its preparation. Here are some nuances. First of all, you need to avoid animal fat and rich broth. Preference should be given to "lean" beef, veal, rabbit, turkey or chicken.
If it is a bird, it's best to not have a dark and white meat - from a very highly digestible proteins. And important way of handling the product - it is preferable to grind, since the stuffing is digested more easily than solid piece.
Meat dish recommended to drink the juice - orange or pineapple. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, which promotes absorption of many trace elements contained in the meat. In particular, ascorbic acid is essential for good digestibility of iron.
Increase its digestibility can be and with the help of pomegranate juice. His need to buy in a glass bottle. Beverage can stretch on days 5-6 with the proviso that it is stored in the refrigerator. Juice must be diluted with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, and drink through a straw to acid does not damage tooth enamel. This is a great way to restore the deficit of ascorbic acid and trace elements. The drink is refreshing complexion, increases vitality and great impact on the hair and nails.
Those who do not like juice, red wine can be recommended, but not more than 100-120 ml. But the meat drink tea or coffee is not necessary. These drinks contain substances which severely limit the absorption of iron and some vitamins.
From the foregoing it follows a logical conclusion. For a normal state of health need normal, balanced diet. Use different products and not to go to extremes such as purely vegetable or purely meat diet. Even more are losing option hunger strike. They also affect the health and mood, and appearance. The skin becomes grayish hair - dull, and nails - brittle. To freshen up, you need every day to eat 600-700 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables, cook meat, fish and cereals, juices to drink and do not forget about the sea cabbage. Then everything will be okay.
Dietary Statistics
Approximately 55-60% of women prefer "emergency" diet, calculated on a very short time. This, in essence, is nothing like the hunger strike, which allows you to quickly throw off those extra pounds. But, unfortunately, they just as quickly return. 12-15% of the fair sex from time to time resort to a balanced diet. Not more than 5% of women are constantly adhere to basic dietary rules - do not eat fat, sweet and starchy foods.