Lose Weight in water

Lose Weight in water
In the fight against excess weight and to maintain muscle tone well help exercise in the water. These workouts give greater effect than usual gymnastics.
At every movement in the water requires much more force, as its pressure exceeds the air pressure in fifty times. In this case, the lift force these energy costs aligns so that fatigue is felt less in comparison with other types of aerobics and movements are more relaxed and free. Engage in a pond pleasant as physical stress is added and massage effect.

Aqua-aerobics exercise is best done in nature, in an environment where natural reservoir contains a lot of nutrients. If this is not possible, then, being engaged in the pool, you must use sunscreen, do not dissolve in water. The fact that such a cream creates a protective barrier that protects the skin from the harmful effects of chlorine. After gymnastics need to take a shower and put on a body nutritious milk.

The water temperature should be between 25 to 30 degrees C. During gymnastics necessary to follow the breath. A common feature of all the exercises - large oxygen consumption, as compared to other types of loads. As a consequence, there is an active stimulation of respiratory and cardiac activity. In the absence of proper breathing training effect, whose main objective is to reduce weight is reached.

Training should be done at least twice a week. To remove the fat in problem areas, it is recommended to perform exercises with special stepper benches installed on the bottom of the pool and exercise at a side.

Regardless of the chosen set of exercises, work your way to the goal without haste, gradually increasing the intensity and number of loads. Avoid overload and fatigue without exhausting yourself workouts. Every movement, try to perform with maximum amplitude, repeating it several times. Before and after training swim about 15 minutes. For a safe transition to the rest of the loads are running in the water.

Tags:water, exercise, gymnastics