How to find your diet

How to find your diet
 There are women who, in their quest to lose weight disregard advice of nutritionists. Meanwhile, it is fraught with bad consequences for the organism. Not to inflict self-harm, you need to approach the selection of diets, taking into account the features of the organism.
 When choosing a diet does not rely on their own strength. Only dietician is able to correctly assess the state of your body, for you to make a diet based on foods that are common in your area. According to specialists, nutritionists use of exotic dishes minimal.

Choosing a diet is not excluded from the diet of protein products. In the meat, fish and eggs contain a substance without which the body can not function normally.

Start once a week fasting day. Such a mono-diet is especially useful after the holidays. You can use it to get rid of edema, as well as a great tool to support the cardiovascular system. Alternate monodiets if your first fasting day will be held on apples, then the next time eat cottage cheese or fish. Sometimes it is possible to conduct discharge day on the meat, the effect of such a mono-diet will still be.

Calculate the approximate number of calories you consume on a daily basis. If you subtract this figure from 500 calories and you will eat, not to exceed that amount, you are sure to lose weight.

Remember that food eaten per day is not passed into the body fat, the last meal should not be later than 19 hours. During the diet to eat 6 times a day instead of the usual 3-4. With this accelerated schedule power metabolism. Fractional power protects against attacks of hunger, and nutrients into the body gradually as the body needs.

Do not forget that per kilogram body weight should consume about one gram of protein. Those who are involved in sports, this amount should be doubled. Daily requirement in fats can be calculated by multiplying the number of calories consumed per day on days 0, 25.

If you consume 2500 calories per day, of which 400 accounted for proteins and fats in the 600-, then the rest of 1500 must be divided by 4 and you get the amount of carbohydrate in grams. Carbohydrates are also divided into "good" and "bad". Eat brown rice, legumes, eat oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

If you stop to think about food, you do not have hunger pangs, and you lose weight, then you have found your diet.

Tags: diet