Diet from Olga Sumy

Diet from Olga Sumy
 Famous actress and TV presenter, Olga Sumy, willingly shares recipes for its impeccable shape and excellent mood - buckwheat diet, fasting days kefir and optimistic. Strict monodiet is very productive, so it should not be more than 3-5 days to comply.
 Personal Death record Olga Sumy - the loss of four pounds during the two-day buckwheat diet. Buckwheat diet is contraindicated in those who have problems with digestion and blood vessels. Everyone else can use this method to get rid of excess weight.

The basis of buckwheat diet is properly cooked cereal. Buckwheat can not boil, add salt and seasoning - the evening it just pour boiling water and leave to swell up in the morning. Portions of porridge prepared from one cup of buckwheat, should be enough for the day, but if hunger overcomes, it is possible to increase the volume. Important trace elements contained in buckwheat, help the body has no shortage of nutrients and valuable properties of cereals (removal of toxins and excess water, cleaning the intestines) make such a diet helpful.

Washed down with buckwheat Olga Sumy green tea, which speeds up the removal of residues and tones the body. Kefir fasting days actress suit yourself once a week - during the day she eats only yogurt. Recipe for making homemade yogurt, which Olga believes more useful and natural than the store, is simple: a liter of milk fermented home tablespoon of sour cream, leave in a warm at night. In the morning you can eat yogurt. If the top layer is formed of heavy cream, then it should be removed. In this way, Olga Sumy corrects the shortcomings of the figure before the shooting and public events - in one or two days kefir diet actress lose 2-3 pounds. Sometimes fasting days kefir replace herbal - during the day Olga drinks only freshly drink chamomile and St. John's wort, prepare a broth of fees to increase intestinal motility and zhelchevyvedeniya.

In between diets Olga tries to eat properly - not dinner late, eat less bread, drink plenty of fluids and eat vegetables, fish. Sauna actress tries to combine with herbal days - it contributes to the rapid get rid of toxins.

Appearance Olga Sumy - another argument in favor of the correct, rational and moderate power. Even after the birth of children presenter quickly comes in the form, not allowing yourself to relax.

Tags: diet, nutrition, pounds, Olga