6 simple tips to maintain normal weight

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 Most of the girls at least once in a lifetime thinking about ways to maintain normal weight. To do this, there are 6 simple tips: a day is not carried out without physical activity; at least 1 time in 10 days sauna; not to consume food after 19 hours; make a balanced menu; eliminate refined sweets and fatty desserts; once a week to arrange fasting days.

For the prevention of excess weight and maintain a good shape, experts recommend daily pass at least 1 km walk. This can be done, for example, on the way to or from work, if go 2 stops earlier than necessary. At the weekend - a walk in the countryside. It is mandatory to 2-3 times a week visit the pool or gym. Without exercising your figure will not remain as beautiful and taut as it is now.

Good preventive effect in the fight against overweight brings sauna. Especially if you combine heat with therapeutic wraps. In particular, to maintain the figure shows the honey wraps. Honey is heated to 50 degrees is applied to problem areas of the body is covered with a dense film or foil. Duration procedures - about 15 minutes. The effect is bound to affect and become noticeable almost immediately.

Revise diet. Unfortunately, the reality is that many of us ignore the breakfast, visit the catering during baznes lunch and in the evening at home consume almost all of the daily diet. Nothing good from such a regime should not wait. Therefore, make it a rule split meals. Hot breakfast of cereal, cooked one way or another, must start each day. Around 11:00 you can eat apples, pears, dried fruit or a handful of nuts. Lunch is better to take with them from home. This may be a vegetable salad and meat or fish, steamed. About 16 hours it makes sense to drink tea with whole grain loaves. And at home - preferably up to 19 hours, make a vegetable or cottage cheese casserole.

Last but not least in the difficult task of maintaining normal weight should a balanced menu. Try to keep the products in the present all the essential vitamins and minerals. It often happens that the failure of any of them entails a serious imbalance that affects the metabolism. As a result - the extra pounds is not what ate too much, but quite the contrary.

Do not eat refined sweets and fatty desserts. If you - a sweet tooth, consume desserts from fruit or nuts. They besides sugar contains amino acids that are good for our bodies. And once a week to arrange fasting days, reducing the amount of food twice and abandoning fast utilizable carbohydrates: potatoes, wheat pasta, sweets.

Tags: weight, image, life, advice, norm, prevention, maintenance