The emergence of this theory was one of the most remarkable discoveries in nutrition 80s, popular so far.
So, the essence of the diet: on whatever diet you're not sitting, the body gradually gets used to it and you stop losing weight because the body begins to save calories ... If you constantly change the number of calories, your metabolism will not slow down, sboros extra pounds continue.
An important point: it is necessary to use as little fat! all unprocessed calories are deposited on the sides in the form of fat, and the body to be processed into "stock" of proteins and carbohydrates already consumes energy! A turn of the fat in the fat-cost is required.
SCHEME Cycle 3 weeks;
the first 3 days, 600 kcal / day
The following 4-day 900kkal / night
Next Week with 1200kkal / night
Then repeat with the 600-week and 900kkal / day.
Then you can move on to a normal diet, but the weight after the normal diet has not reached so quickly.
Effectiveness: if you do not exercise, 3-7kg / 3 weeks
At 40-min exercise stress-8-9kg / week!
The result is stored for a long time, the diet can be repeated if necessary.
Diet tolerated difficult (especially the first 3 days) if completely eliminate fats, it can badly affect the skin condition. Therefore completely eliminates the fat is not necessary, just to reduce their use to a minimum!