Why is it so difficult to lose weight in the winter?

 Lose weight in winter is more difficult than in summer. Markedly reduced physical activity, metabolic processes in the body slows down. We are reluctant to leave the warm bed in the morning, too lazy to do exercises, and a cold and windy day can miss a walk in the fresh air. Women's magazine JustLady talks about the winter diets!  

In cold weather, it is difficult to be active. Much nicer to sit at home on the couch with spokes or magazine in their hands. Justification for such a delayed manner of life during the winter months is the simplest - nature outside sleeping, and our body is also set to hibernate.

At this time, the insidious extra pounds without feeling the danger, attack our body. And we gradually polneem, polneem. Holidays exacerbate the problem. Is it time to go on the offensive and defend their slim figures ?!

Deceive the stomach

To appease your hungry stomach, sometimes enough and small handful of nuts, which contains 170 calories and about 14 grams of fat. Nuts quench hunger better than low-calorie fruit yogurt.

Winter safely lean on sweet fruits, berries and vegetables, they are rich in fructose. Pamper yourself with dates, raisins, dried apricots. No need to strictly limit yourself to these natural sweets - harm to the figures from them will not, but health will improve.

Increase twice daily intake of foods containing fiber - bread from wheat flour, lentils. By doing so you will help your body get rid of extra 90 calories per day.

- Nutritionists have estimated that in six months it will be expressed in the loss of 2, 5 kilos of your weight.

Eat buckwheat

In recent years, women who dream to lose weight, popular diet on buckwheat. The consequences are felt Christmas holidays, so it's time to sit on such a useful diet.

Nutritionists recommend two days to eat only boiled water buckwheat. During the day you can drink mineral water, green tea without sugar, milk, yogurt.

The next two days, you can eat as usual, but with reasonable restrictions sweet, flour and salt. Then again, repeat two days buckwheat and so - before the scheduled date by which you will definitely need to be in shape.

In the case of acute dislike of buckwheat it can replace rice, barley, most importantly - not salt grains, sugar and flavor not not watered oil.

- According to this scheme for one week you can lose up to 3-4 pounds.

Japanese radish

From the diet of modern Russians, unfortunately, disappeared once popular black radish. But the Japanese, who are not overweight, radish eaten daily in any form: raw, boiled, salted, dried.

It contains enzymes normalize bowel function, dietary fiber content radish has no equal among the vegetables. Radish eliminates constipation, removes excess cholesterol, which is important for the prevention of obesity. Try to return to his desk radish.

Recipe 1

Radish Wash, peel, cut into slices. Cottage cheese or cheese mixed with finely grated carrots (1: 1), salt, you can add ground coriander, cumin, parsley or dill. Place the mixture on a spoon radish. Unique sandwiches are perfect for first courses, you can submit them to the festive table, decorated with cranberries or cranberries.

Recipe 2

Measure 10 kg of black radish, wash and remove the affected area. From the skin is not clean. Pass the radish through the juicer. The resulting juice (a little more than 3 liters) stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar. Take 30 grams an hour after eating.

Course of taking long, but you will not regret the time elapsed - radish juice perfectly cleanses the joints, liver, spleen, pancreas.

- If in this period, the power to exclude from baking, butter and lard, then we can part with 10-15 overweight.


We are aware of the beneficial properties of cranberries or wild rose, but undeservedly forgotten about Rowan and viburnum. Drinks from these berries also promote weight loss, as well as detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, improve bowel function.

Recipe 1

Pour into a colander Kalina and scalded with boiling water when stechёt water, pour the hot berries in an enamel bowl and mash well with a wooden spoon. Pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

Pour half a cup of juice in the morning, put in a bowl with hot water (not above 65 degrees) and dissolve in the juice a tablespoon of honey. Drink this bitter drink on an empty stomach, and the whole day guaranteed fit and reliable protection against colds.

Recipe 2

Take the 7 parts of dry rowan berries and 3 parts dry nettle leaves. 2-3 tbsp. spoon mixture brew 2 cups boiling water, soak for 10 minutes. on low heat, let it brew for 7-8 hours, strain.

Drink cook every evening and store at room temperature. In the morning, take 1/2 cup of the beverage, as well as in between meals 3-4 times a day.

- These delicious drinks from the berries help to "bind" carbohydrates in the gut, not letting them go into fats.

 "Sweet Life"

In our lives from childhood came to love candy, ice cream, soda, jam. Sweets and sugar in a large variety of today has almost every family, but nutritionists assert that sugar harms figure.

Ideal replacement for refined sugar is natural honey. Adult without harm to the figures and health can be used up to 100 grams of honey every day. But not everyone is like honey, and it can cause allergies. In that case, the product can be used for household cooking "fruit" sugar.

1 kg of sand (better - powdered sugar) combine with 250 grams of honey dissolved in a glass of cold boiled water. All stir until smooth and leave at room temperature for fermentation, covered with a lid. Under the influence of honey and water turns sucrose into fructose and glucose, and you get at home, "fruit" sugar, absolutely harmless for the figure. Add it to tea, cereals, sauces.

Sometimes have a tough time without the sweet, spoiled even mood, apathy comes. If honey can not replace your favorite sweets, eat some fruit jellies, marmalade or jam - they have a lot of fructose, few calories and no fat at all.

You can cook low-calorie "ice cream": freeze in the refrigerator a little nonfat fruit yogurt and add the fresh fruit.

Starry diet

The famous singer Madonna prefers a macrobiotic diet. This diet - one of the components in the Far Eastern philosophy. The word "macrobiotics" is derived from the Greek word "macro" - big and "bio" - literally "great life."

The basis of the diet: 50% - whole grains, 25% - fresh vegetables, cooked or raw, 10% - protein: fish, soy, etc., 5% - seafood, 5% - soups, 5% - fruits and nuts.

In cooking should not be used microwave oven, only stove or open fire.

Prohibited: Sugar, salt, spices, alcohol, eggs, meat and cheese.

 "There is a need when hungry, slowly, carefully perezhёvyvaya" - advises Madonna, the secret dream of harmony which many know.

... The most important stimulus for our efforts - finding good shape. But its purpose can be supported by something else - it will be an additional stimulus to the subconscious. Buy a new love affair, an expensive lipstick, cute slippers or something else. Zapryachte gift in a beautiful package and for a while forget about it. When will achieve the desired result, become slim and beautiful, then you rightfully deserve an award that is waiting for you.

Inna Yining