Review of "star" diets

Review of "star" diets
 Figure to be proud of "like celebrities" just to find out that these same celebrities eat. And then you can have the same attractive forms. If they happen to lose weight, then you turn and, most importantly, to agree on a particular diet dietician.

The world-famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya has a different diet, with which you can lose weight on a good ten pounds. Itself uncomplicated diet: meat, eggs, potatoes, chocolate and coffee ballerina prefer oats, lentils, barley, broccoli, sometimes fish and vegetable salad without tomato. Stick to this diet is recommended no more than two weeks.

Edith Piekha also has its own diet, which helps it to maintain excellent shape. The singer never unites proteins with carbohydrates, observes five-single diet per day and prefer small portions. Sometimes it suits watermelon or kefir fasting days. It replaces meat and fish refuses sugar. But Edita loves juices such as grapefruit.

With regard to foreign pop stars, then, for example, Madonna focuses primarily ratio consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, the amount of protein on the plate should be the size of a fist (not more), carbohydrates should not be starches (taboo on pasta, potatoes), but fats are welcome, because they and energized. Therefore, in the present diet Madonna eggs, chicken, lean meat, fish, fruits and many vegetables.

Protein and share uglevodosoderzhaschie products and Hollywood celebrities. Among them - Arnold Schwarzenegger. He prefers food, steamed, and refuses to butter, mayonnaise, spices and salt. They are very fond of fish and poultry, eggs, baked potatoes, brown rice, dairy products low in fat, vegetables and fruits.

There is also a universal diet that adheres to most Hollywood stars. It is divided into seven days, during which time strictly necessary to have these products. Breakfast the first day consists of 2 eggs, 2 oranges, 1 tomato, 40 g almond nuts and a cup of coffee. Dinner - chicken cutlet, tomato, cucumber, grapefruit, any unmade vegetable salad. Breakfast the second day of the egg + grapefruit + cup of coffee, dinner - 150 grams of boiled beef, unmade green salad, cup of tea without sugar. On the third day as the breakfast are allowed to eat an egg (you can fry), tomato, cabbage and a cup of coffee. A dinner - 150 grams of lean fish, cucumber and a cup of tea without sugar.

Breakfast is the fourth day of the grapefruit, celery salad (fill with a mixture of vinegar and milk) and tea or a glass of water. For dinner you can eat eggs, 140 grams of low fat cottage cheese with caraway seeds, 100 g grated carrots with lemon juice. On the fifth day as eating breakfast 2 protein, 100 g of boiled parsley and drink tea without sugar, and dinner relies 200 grams of boiled chicken with lettuce.

Sixth day breakfast consists of 200 grams of salad of oranges, grapefruit, apples and nuts, and dinner - 200 grams of boiled fish, 60 g stewed mushrooms and cup of unsweetened tea or coffee. Finally, the Seventh-day breakfast consists of 100 g low-fat cottage cheese mixed with raw egg, plus a glass of vegetable broth with garlic. And for dinner relies fruit salad and a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Tags: star, diet, celebrity, review