One of the main enemies of sex - it's a bad relationship with your partner. Relationship problems, lack of harmony in the family and lack of understanding undermine all the basics of sexual relations. And if sometimes rare bright quarrels end of the world in the bed, the usual daily spats did not contribute to this.
If the spouses constantly criticize and humiliate each other, they come to a lesser extent, short-sighted. Aggressive behavior, jealousy, rivalry, row over finances, the inability to find a compromise destroy sexual harmony.
Another important point that adversely affects the health of sex - it's constant fatigue and stress. It is impossible to be sexually healthy for a long time, if you work around the clock and all year round. In a short time in such a hurry to grow inability to relax and switch when necessary. Because of this, young and successful men and women get a lot of diseases and begin indifferent to carnal pleasures.
Smoking - another enemy of sexual health, even passive. Obesity - a problem many men and women are sexually active age, which brings a lot of unpleasant problems, from shortness of breath to heart attacks. Some overweight women completely refuse sex.
There are also some psychological causes that prevent a healthy sex. If that's the complexes coming from childhood, because of the strict puritanical attitudes of parents - here it makes sense to ask for help from professional psychologists. The result of such facilities may be vaginismus, inability to obtain orgasm and pain during sex. But all of these symptoms are successfully cured competent help.
Some diseases can reduce the attraction, for example, diabetes, atherosclerosis, urinary problems or schizophrenia. In these cases it is necessary, first of all, the primary function of the disease even during treatment
Sex should not be postponed until better times, try to squeeze a little bit of a diminished libido.