Detox the body: acting correctly

Detox the body: acting correctly
 Fast food, prepared food, constant snacking - an unhealthy diet can lead to digestive problems. Heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, and even nausea - not the best companions of the modern woman. Especially problem is exacerbated after the holidays: the abundance of salads, mayonnaise, high-calorie snacks and meals of grilled meat is not conducive to well-being. Give your body a break - arrange it detoks- week.
 Course for healthy menu

The rules are simple, even banal: a minimum of sweet, flour, fried, fatty, semi-finished, purchased, cholesterol, flavors, food additives and other components that are not the most positive effect on health. Of course, to decide on such restrictions, we need a strong will. Especially if your favorite foods are included in the long list is not the most useful cooking. However, within seven days, which will be a real holiday for your body, should strictly abide by the rules of healthy eating. And after a week of strict diet, try to reduce the intake of harmful products. Replace sweets tea dried fruit, sausages - boiled or stewed lean meats and sandwiches morning - porridge.

During this period, should also abandon the black tea and coffee. Best drink - pure water, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body, as well as the restoration of water balance. Start your day with a glass of drinking water with a slice of lemon, and soon you feel to wake up in the morning it became much easier, and charge enough energy for the whole day.

External support

Increase the efficiency of detoxification and fix the result can be with special dietary supplements. They help to speed up the metabolism, normalize the intestinal microflora, reduce blood sugar levels. However, before you start taking any supplements, it is necessary to carefully read the contraindications. If you are not sure that taking funds will benefit your health, please consult your doctor.

Hot and helpful

Mandatory step purification orgasm - the sauna or bath. Russian bath from ancient times was considered an excellent method for immunity, as well as preserving youth. So do not deny yourself in getting double benefits (and fun). Thanks to the use of the sauna, not only improves the metabolism, but also displays a large amount of excess fluid, which is part of the adipose tissue.

After a visit to the steam room is not more than a cool shower. Due to this the usual procedure, improve blood circulation, closed pores, increase skin tone. However, it is not necessary to experiment with ice water, let the jet will comfort temperature.

Tags: body, health, diet, nutrition, cleansing, use, toxins, toxins, helpful, knowledgeable, detox