SUMMARY strife ...

SUMMARY strife ...
 With resumes sooner or later face all job seekers. A well-written, it helps to accentuate your strengths, show the employer experience and focuses attention on what is of paramount importance. However, if the resume mistakes, it can not only help job seekers to find work, but also to become the main cause of all failures. How can write a good resume, so that it stood out from the crowd?

Locate all jobs in descending order, starting with the last. You can have a great experience, but if the employer takes a look at the first line and see there that you worked as a milling machine, the first impression will be final and irrevocable. And then explain what it was ten years ago, you will not have to. Often, personnel officers deploying the candidate at the first stage for this reason.

If you specify a summary of your skills, only write about what speak at a good level. It is not necessary to pile summary list of programs and equipment to indicate the contrary "speak badly" or "None". Better Emphasize the things that you really good at it. Such information about you leave a good impression with the employer and does not spend his time wasted.

Under "weaknesses" is not worth writing about serious shortcomings, the presence of which may indeed be cause for rejection when applying for a job. Crystal honesty - it is certainly good, but try to be loyal to himself. Completely empty, this field is also better not to leave because the employer might think that you specifically ignore this information. Specify any non-fatal flaw that it is possible to pay in dignity. For example, thoroughness.

Do not ignore the column "hobbies". Often employers find their ideal candidates according to this parameter. Of course, there also should be careful not to specify a hobby, you might be somehow discredit. For office workers, for example, the most dangerous hobbies are computer games. Do not write in this column lengthy phrases like, "I love tasty and satisfying to eat and sleep for a long time." Be specific and indicate what is really doing in your spare time.

Be sure to attach to resume photo. Moreover, it should be good quality photo, portrait type. Ideal - specifically go and be photographed in the studio. Do not attach a photo with home cut off body parts of others or indistinct background. By your photo is on the employer you the first impression, so try to reflect your willingness to work and a serious attitude. In addition, the resume with photo, tend to pay more attention than usual faceless document.

Remember that the resume - the very first, and therefore, the main impression of you as a job seeker. That's why your job is to make it a bright, clear and memorable. After all, in order to succeed in finding a job is necessary to make certain efforts, start with a resume.

Tags: resume, strife