How to make a good impression at the interview

How to make a good impression at the interview
 To successfully pass the interview must not only have professional skills needed to fill a vacancy, but also possess communication skills - the right to understand the questions and answer them, able to listen and talk, to establish contact with the employer.
 Before you go to the interview, try to gather information about the company and the person who will conduct your meeting. This awareness will help to feel more confident. Bring a document relevant to the post and properly written resume.

Practice answering questions that may be asked during the interview. This will help you to be confident and demonstrate your level of training. Managers are responsible for the formation of the personnel policy of the company, a negative or a positive assessment of the applicant to the open position endure at the beginning of the meeting. The countdown starts with the entrance to the room.

The meeting should start with a smile and a handshake. Do not sit down until he followed an invitation. See the interlocutor in the eye, do not avoid his gaze. This will demonstrate your openness, attractiveness and charm. During a call, you can be sure, quiet, friendly. If necessary, you can help yourself to a convincing body language, but do not overdo it.

Answers to the questions in the interview must be truthful and candid without trying to put yourself in the best light. Responding to a question, say no more than 3 minutes. During this time you will be able to convey information to the very difficult question. Quiet voice, monosyllabic answers give the impression of self-doubt and confidence, inability to express their views.

Mirrored body posture recruiter. If the person leans forward, his movement again. This enhances the contact and on a subconscious level promotes mutual understanding. Speaking from experience, you need to give specific examples. His accomplishments are described using numbers in monetary units, percentages.

Responding to a question, tell us about yourself, you should always talk only about the professional experience and quality. Accent solely on the issues of your work that you have the most productive and efficient. Focus on their desire for professional growth, solve complex problems, learning a new activity. Do not forget about human virtues - honesty, responsibility, punctuality. And the cherished position will be yours.

Tags: job interview, reception