Tea secrets clean skin

Tea secrets clean skin
 Starting the day with a cup of freshly brewed tea - not only nice, but also quite useful ritual. This flavored drink is able to give a surge of energy for a long time, lower blood pressure and levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. However, this is their beneficial properties not end there. Tea is a recognized natural remedy to maintain skin beauty.

Velvety, soft, matte, smooth skin - a cherished dream of women. Bring your skin to the ideal will help tea, because it contains substances that make it cleaner, healthier and younger. In cosmetic purposes is generally used green tea. Another Japanese women centuries ago used it to preserve the fresh color of her face. Green tea does contain a lot of nutrients to regenerate skin. Polyphenols prevent aging, tannins narrow pores, and vitamins nourish the skin.

Ice cubes with tea will benefit people with oily or sensitive skin, they also contribute to narrowing the pores. To cook them, you just need to brew green tea and freeze it in special forms. Perform ice massage to be strictly for the massage lines. In order to achieve a visible effect, the morning wiping skin tea cubes should get into the habit. Iced tea makes the skin fresh, relieve inflammation, signs of fatigue.

During exacerbation of acne and other skin inflammations should wipe the skin infusion of hibiscus tea, which contains 13 essential amino acids. One tablespoon of Hibiscus need to brew a cup of boiling water, and wipe the face. Hibiscus - an excellent natural antiseptic, so daily rubbing problem skin extract it quickly remove inflammation and irritation.

Well cleanses the skin mask of green tea recipe that is simple. It is necessary to take two teaspoons of tea, ground into a fine powder and whip it with corolla with 120 grams of hot water. The resulting slurry is necessary to put the tea on the face and gently massage the skin. Due to the tannins, available in green tea, this mask is dry and brighten the skin.

Dull complexion and increased excretion of fat brings women chagrin. Tea Lotion resolve these problems. To make it 100 grams of any mineral water should be brought to a boil and boil it in 2 tablespoons of green tea. Let stand for half an hour, strain and add a few drops of lemon juice. This lotion is good to wipe the skin morning and evening.

But not only the external application of tea has a beneficial effect on the skin. Good effect and drinking tea inside. When we drink the flavored drink, especially hot, occurs when this process of sweating helps clean the pores from the inside, which is very important for the purity of the skin.

Tags: leather, mask, beauty, tea, benefits